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 With a friend or on your own try an answer as many identifications as possible.

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Presentation on theme: " With a friend or on your own try an answer as many identifications as possible."— Presentation transcript:

1  With a friend or on your own try an answer as many identifications as possible.


3 Is defined by its five themes  Location  Regions  Place  Movement  Human-Environment Interactions

4  Area of land surrounded by water on 3 sides  Give examples

5  A man made object

6  To Show chronological order of events

7  People who study the physical artifacts of a culture

8  Opinion used words such as: better, horrible, worst, best, scary, awesome, evil, good.  Fact: Numbers, There are, There is, exactly, total, He did_____ on this date.

9  People study the Development of early human beings  Look at the culture over the physical

10  Eyewitness statement/Interview  Document  Autobiography  News Paper

11  A strong wind  Who has monsoons?  India

12  Mountains and Deserts

13  Egypt-Nile  Sumer-tigris and Euphrates  China-Yellow (Hung- he) and Yangtze  Rome- Tibir  India-Indus

14  New Stonage  Beginning of Farming  Begginning of Permanent settlements  Begininning of City/Civilizations

15  Always think…………  AFRICA  Great rift valley

16  Africa  Sometimes the answer can be fertile crescent which touches Africa as well

17 New Stone AgeOld Stone Age  Farmers  Larger numbers  Hunters and Gatherers  Smaller numbers

18  Moral and legal code of the Hebrews

19  Allowed freedom of religion in India  Allowed Buddhism

20  Legal code of Sumer and the Babylonian Empire

21  Legal code of the Romans

22  Social structure you are born into  Started by the aryans  Also part of Hinduism  Can only move up when you are reincarnated

23  India’s Greatest Empire

24  First real Dynasty of China  First emperor ◦ Shi-hundi  United China

25  Collection of city-states  Divided due to geography  Athens-Democracy  Sparta-Oligarchy

26  Established Hammurabi's code  Fell to the Persians  Had a Barter economy


28  First Epic, written in sumer (similar to Noahs ark)

29  Greek Epic written by homer, tells the story of the Trojan war

30  India Epic tells the story of a prince who looses his wife and finds her.

31  Sumer  Akkad  Sumer  Babylon  Hitties  Assaryans  Babylon  Persia  Egypt  India  China  Greece  Rome

32  The belief that a Dynasty actions gave them the right to rule.  They do poor job, they lose their right to rule

33  Social order is the highest ideal  Based on respect and the 5 relationships  King-Subject, Husband-wife, Brother- younger brother, Parent-Child, friend-friend

34  Road from China to Europe  Broke the barrier caused by the mountains and desert

35  Direct-democracy

36  Oligarchy

37 Direct-DemocracyOligarchy  Individual over state  Creativity and the arts  State before the individual  Military no creativity

38  United cultures from all over the know world  Cultural Diffusion

39  Mountains geography

40  Caste system born into it

41  Brahmins (preists)  Kshatriyas(warriors)  Vaisyas (Merchants)  Sudras (servants, Slaves)

42  Hindu’s and Buddhists  The act of coming back to life after death.

43  8 fold path  Tripitkka (3 Baskets)


45  Roman Laws that governed all Romans  Similar to 10 Commandments, Hammurabi’s Code and Justinian’s Code.

46  This allowed Rome to become an Empire and gain various resources from trade and land.

47  Rome being a peninsula in the middle of the Mediterranean sea allowed it to be the center of all trade.

48  Creates powerful and stabalized civilizations.  Weak ones cause dissorder and confusion.

49  Has roots in Judaism  An ethical code and is monotheistic  Roman Catholic Church ◦ Protestant Religions  Baptists, Calvinists, Huguenots, etc.  Eastern Orthodox ◦ Greek and Russian Orthodox  Coptic (Egypt)

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