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- Prehistory - The Origin of Humans. A Selection of Views Judeo-Christian Creation Theory (Adam & Eve) Big Bang Theory Salish Origin Theory Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "- Prehistory - The Origin of Humans. A Selection of Views Judeo-Christian Creation Theory (Adam & Eve) Big Bang Theory Salish Origin Theory Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Prehistory - The Origin of Humans

2 A Selection of Views Judeo-Christian Creation Theory (Adam & Eve) Big Bang Theory Salish Origin Theory Evolution

3 Human Evolution Evolution as a THEORY suggests that a large variety of species on earth have all evolved from a common ancestor.

4 Charles Darwin (Darwinism)

5 Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882 English Naturalist Published a book called “On the Origin of Species” Theory of Evolution: Darwin believed that all species evolved across millions of years and this evolution is constantly happening. This theory is based on the thought that the plant and animal life that exists on earth have changed or adapted over time in response to the environment. Natural Selection – the process by which the strongest plants and animals adapt to their environment and survive. Natural Selection – the process by which the strongest plants and animals adapt to their environment and survive. Survival of the Fittest -The strongest species were able to survive, the weaker became extinct.

6 Darwin believed that; Evolution is constant. Natural selection happens via survival of the fittest.


8 Darwin and Evolution wild/videos/darwin-in-the-galapagos/



11 Evolution, how does it work? Why You Can't Outrun a Cheetah Cheetah Why do species have to evolve? What kinds of traits do you think certain species have developed in order to survive?

12 Answer in your notebook. Questions from text page 11 Reflect and Analyze 1 2 3 4

13 Scopes “Monkey Trial” Bible vs Science United States in 1925 One of the biggest challenges to Darwin’s Theory theories There was a large movement against the Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Many people believed that it contradicted Christian ideals and values, mainly that God created man, we did not evolve from APES! So, the state of Tennessee passed a law which prohibited the teaching of Darwin’s theories.

14 The Freedom of Speech In 1925, The American Civil Liberties Union convinced Mr. John Scopes, a High School teacher in Tennessee to teach Darwin’s theory in class, which was illegal. They said that the law threatened their first amendment right of the Constitution: The Freedom of Speech.

15 Clarence Darrow, one of the greatest lawyers in the U.S. defended Scopes.

16 July 10 1925 Dayton, Tennessee, USA. An Anti-Evolution League holds a book sale at the opening of the Scopes "Monkey" Trial in which biology teacher John T. Scopes is being prosecuted for teaching evolution in his class



19 John Scopes was found guilty and had to pay a fine of $100. The justification was that he had broken a law which had been passed by the state of Tennessee.


21 Scopes Monkey Trial

22 Prehistoric Man According to Charles Darwin


24 HOMINIDS – “Human-like”  Hominids - first humanlike species.  We may have shared a common ancestry with the apes and chimps from up to 7 million years ago!  Oldest remains found in Ethiopia in 1994 thought to be 4.4 million years old  Similar remains found in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia  Different from apes:  Bipedalism (walking on two feet)  Larger brains

25 Early Discoveries of Hominids

26 Australopithecus Scavengers = Survival living. Lived 3,000,000 years ago Walked on 2 feet (bipedal) Small brain (420-500 cc) Undeveloped system of communication. Teeth and jaw much larger than humans today.

27 Donald Johanson In 1973, Donald Johanson discovered fossils in Ethiopia that were dramatic and almost unbelievable; The bones of a 3,000,000 year old hominid (prehistoric man). These bones led him to believe that they were from a woman, Lucy, who walked on 2 feet.


29 Lucy Lucy had a small brain and was only about a meter tall (4ft.)

30 Lucy compared


32 The Stone Age (Text page 16 to 27) Descendants of the Australopithecines lived in the period called the Stone Age. There are two stages to this age: Paleolithic – 2,000,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE (Old Stone Age) Mesolithic – 10,000 BCE – 8,000 BCE (Middle Stone Age) Ag e) Neolithic – 8000 BCE – 5,000 BCE (New Stone Age)

33 The Palaeolithic Era - Old Stone Age - Small family groups. Humans found shelter in caves. During this time period, men hunted and women gathered. They lived each day trying to find food and shelter. They had to follow their food.


35 Homo Habilis “Handy Man” Lived 2.4-1.5 million years ago. Eastern Africa Used stone tools Brain measured 650 cc Average height: 5’0’’ (100 pounds)


37 Homo Erectus Man who stood upright Lived about 300 000 years ago Large teeth Low forehead Brain measured 750-1225 cc First to use fire First to migrate to Europe and Asia.


39 Homo Sapiens “Man Who Thinks” Homo Sapiens NeanderthalisHomo Sapiens Sapiens

40 Homo Neanderthals Lived approximately 130, 000 years ago. Descended from Homo Erectus Lived in central Europe colder climate Average height of men: 5’6’’ Buried their dead Their brains were larger than ours. They eventually disappeared????


42 Homo Sapiens Sapiens (us) Cro-Magnon Man Tools made of bones and horns Moved into Europe from Africa about 40 000 years ago Brain 1350 cc Cave paintings, religion, domesticated animals, advanced hunting skills. Eventually spread through Asia Australia and into North America


44 Sapiens vs. Neanderthalis Homo sapien sapienHomo Sapiens Neanderthalis


46 Video-Man Kind the Story of All of Us (1 st half of Video)

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