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“BERNIE”* VENDOR EVALUATION DATABASE * named for retired Air Force General Bernard Weiss, former Productivity Committee Chairman, who recommended implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "“BERNIE”* VENDOR EVALUATION DATABASE * named for retired Air Force General Bernard Weiss, former Productivity Committee Chairman, who recommended implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 “BERNIE”* VENDOR EVALUATION DATABASE * named for retired Air Force General Bernard Weiss, former Productivity Committee Chairman, who recommended implementation of a formal vendor evaluation process

2 LOGGING ON GO TO…..  Collier County Intranet….. bccportal0101/intranet…..  Services/Purchasing  Click on the “Bernie” icon  Once you have opened this link, in the upper right hand corner is the login button  Your logon is FirstLast name and the password is *Bernie*  You can change the password once you have logged on the first time

3 Updating/Editing a new Bernie  I will enter awarded contracts with contract number, title, vendor name, and project manager name  You can either pull up the information by vendor, contract number or project number  Click on “Click to Update this Bernie”, enter your information then submit  To enter your information first click on “General” then move through the rest of the data, once you have finished click on submit

4 Additional information  A menu at the top of the page has been added to make it easier to move through the form (see attached)  This Bernie database has a spelling feature under “menu”  You are allowed 1,000 characters in the comments section

5 Vendor Comments o After you have completed the evaluation email Brenda Reaves with the vendor name and email address  I will contact the vendor with their log on information  The vendor will only be allowed to enter their comments field  You can always reach me via email:





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