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Breeds of Beef Cattle EFE Veterinary Science Breeds and Species.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeds of Beef Cattle EFE Veterinary Science Breeds and Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeds of Beef Cattle EFE Veterinary Science Breeds and Species

2 Cattle Breeds EFE Veterinary Science

3 BEEF BREEDS Emphasis upon production of most pounds of meat; typically quite independent.

4 Angus Black or Red only; polled; efficient grazers, high yield of high-quality beef; originally from Scotland

5 Belted Galloway White stripe around the middle; polled; smaller but highly feed efficient, gentle

6 Brahman Large tropical breed, survives with minimal care and low-quality diet, “hump” and dewlap to dissipate heat, horned breed, any color

7 Charolais Heavily muscled, fast-growing. Shades of white, gold and grey only, polled. Originated in France

8 Hereford Red with white markings and completely white face. Come in both polled and horned. Docile breed

9 Limousin “Double muscled”, short-legged, golden-red with paler ventrum (or black), horned breed

10 Maine-Anjou Red or black and white, originated in France. Horned, fast-growing.

11 Texas Longhorn US breed, all colors, horned!

12 Shorthorn Short horns, any color; also Milking Shorthonrs

13 Simmental Yellow to red “pied” color, white head, downturned horns, prominent dewlap

14 Scottish Highland Reddish-brown, small, very long, shaggy coat with prominent forelock, horned

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