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Organophosphate poisoning

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1 Organophosphate poisoning

2 Objectives Mode of toxicity Variability of toxicity Toxicokinetic
Toxicodynamic Clinical picture Treatment & prevention

3 Organophosphate Poisoning

4 Herbicides and Fungicides
Insecticide and pesticides Organophosphates and carbamates Herbicides and Fungicides Rodenticide

5 Mode of toxicity Accidental: After
Eating contaminated food or insecticides used in gardens cause accidental poisoning in children. Transdermal : Lice control by special products (malathion). Occupational: exposure in farm workers during application. Suicidal: poisoning by (parathion). Homicidal poisoning: rare.

6 Variability of toxicity
High toxic  agricultural insecticides  parathion Intermediate  animal insecticides Low toxic  household use  malathion Ex: Fatal oral dose: Parathion g/ 70 kg Malathion g/ 70 kg

7 Toxicokinetic Absorption Through skin, GIT, Resp. Distribution
Most are water soluble , few lipid soluble Metabolism Some metabolites are more toxic (maloxone - paroxone) Excretion In urine

8 Toxicodynamic Acetylcholine
Acetylcholine is the most important chemical transmitter at synaptic junctions Acetylcholine So inhibition of acetylcholinestrase increases Ach at nerve endings (OP’s effect). Acetylcholinestrase Acetic acid + choline Hydrolysis

9 Acetylcholine at synaptic junctions


11 Clinical Picture + Death Acute Cholinergic: Peripheral Muscarinic
Peripheral Nicotinic Central Respiratory failure + Death Late complication: O.Ph. Induce intermediate or type 2 organophosphate syndrome and delayed neuropathy

12 D U M B E L S Muscarinic Effects D iarrhoea U rination M iosis
B radycardia, Bronchorrhoea, Bronchospasm E mesis L acrimation S alivation

13 M A T C H Nicotinic Effects M uscle weakness and paralysis
A drenal medulla activity increase T achycardia C ramps of skeletal muscles. H ypertension.

14 2C 2D SHM CNS effects C onfusion C oma D isorientation
D epression : Respiratory & circulatory centers H eadache M alaise S eizures


16 Management Resuscitation Atropinisation of symptomatic patients
The priorities in management are: Resuscitation Atropinisation of symptomatic patients Decontamination

17 1- Immediate supportive measures
Patent airway + oxygenation Atropine until secretions dry Frequent suction Endotrachial intubation & mechanical ventilation in severe cases Cardiac monitoring

18 2- Decontamination Skin decontamination: - Remove clothes
- Wash skin with water and soap then alcohol then soap and water. GIT decontamination: - Activated charcoal. - Emesis & gastric lavage are contraindicated

19 3- Antidotes Atropine : Initial atropine dose (IV or IM)
1-2mg (adult) 0.05mg/kg (children) Dose can repeated every sec till Clear chest on auscultation or ATROPINISATION.. Pralidoxime (2-PAM chloride) before aging Dose 1-2g(adult) 25-50 mg/kg (children)

20 Prevention Protective clothes Using long nozzle during spraying
Prevent eating during work Washing after work

21 Summary OP’s action Effects Treatment
Block AChE, prolonged duration of ACh in synapse Effects Muscarinic, Nicotinic, CNS Respiratory failure and Death result from this Treatment ABC’s, Decontamination, Atropine


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