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Ebola. Discovery 1976 near Ebola River Valley in Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Ebola. Discovery 1976 near Ebola River Valley in Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ebola

2 Discovery 1976 near Ebola River Valley in Africa

3 Type of Virus Negative sense RNA Viral proteins Enveloped

4 Types

5 Zaire Virus 1976 Most lethal and common form 90% fatality rate

6 Sudan Ebolavirus 1976 Fatality rate around 60% Unknown carrier

7 Reston Ebolavirus 1989 No effect on humans Only monkeys Crab-eating macaques

8 Côte d'Ivoire Ebolavirus 1994 Found in chimps from Tai Forest Little effect on humans

9 Bundibugyo Ebolavirus 2007 34% mortality rate Uganda Ministry announced its end in 2008

10 Symptoms

11 Initial Symptoms Fever Headache Malaise Muscle pain Inflammation of pharynx

12 6 days later Vomiting Diarrhea Maculopapular rash Bleeding at needle sites & bodily orifices Hemorrhagic diathesis Blank expression


14 Transmission

15 Normal Transmission Natural reservoirs → humans Primate carcasses → humans Bodily fluids Airborne in labs

16 Natural Reservoirs Primates* Bats Small rodents Duikers* *high mortality = unlikely natural reservoir

17 Hospitals Major outbreaks have only occurred in African hospitals Yambuku Hospital

18 Distribution


20 Ebola vs Marburg Marburg less deadly than Ebola Elicit different antibodies

21 Source

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