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Melissa Gunby January Quarter. Food and DrinkProfessional Behavior  Heald College has a policy of no food or drink in the classroom, other than bottled.

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Presentation on theme: "Melissa Gunby January Quarter. Food and DrinkProfessional Behavior  Heald College has a policy of no food or drink in the classroom, other than bottled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melissa Gunby January Quarter


3 Food and DrinkProfessional Behavior  Heald College has a policy of no food or drink in the classroom, other than bottled water. Please follow this policy.  Respect is the rule in my classroom. Please respect yourself, your classmates and your instructor.  Silence your cell phones.  Be awake and attentive during class times

4  (_ between first and last names)   530-508-6501 (message or text)  Facebook:  Twitter: @msgunby Please call, text, or email if you will be late or miss class

5  Name (nickname?)  Program at Heald  Any and all phone numbers (please indicate which is good for text messages)  Any and all email addresses  Please write the following, if you agree:  It is okay for Melissa Gunby to leave a voice mail or message on an answering machine if I do not answer any of the phone numbers provided.

6 What to expect in this class

7  Because this is an evening class, and some of you may be coming straight from work, we will take a longer break for dinner (20 minutes) around 7:50 each week.

8  Weekly Response Journals  3 Essays of at least 1000 words  Group Presentation  Final Presentation  4 chapter quizzes  Midterm  Final Exam  Projects: 50%  Exams: 40%  Participation: 10%

9  Each week, you will be asked to write an informal response to the reading for the week. This is a place for you to pose questions or reflect on the reading, and to process the information and be ready to engage in discussion.  You should write at minimum, one page typed, per week.  These assignments are worth 10 points of project/assignments

10  Essay 1: Due Feb. 16. This essay will be assigned on week 2.  Essay 2: Each student will be responsible for writing their own essay as part of the group project. Due March 16.  Essay 3: The written research component of the final presentation project. Due March 30.  Each written assignment will be worth 100 points.

11  I will let students choose their own work group, and each group will be given a year (or period) in history to investigate.  Groups will give a presentation on their time period.  A handout will be given on this assignment as we get closer.  Time will be given to work on this assignment in class, but I will expect some outside work/collaboration.  Only the presentation will be graded collaboratively, and will be worth 50 points  Presentations will be given in class on March 16

12  Each student will do a final research project that will be made up of a(n)  A) 3-4 page (1000 word) paper and  B) oral presentation to the class on this topic  The final presentation will be worth 50 points.  Combined with the essay, this assignment is worth 150 points total.

13  4 chapter quizzes  There will be 4 chapter quizzes on the following dates: Feb 2 Feb 9 March 9 March 23  Midterm Exam  The midterm exam will be held on February 23. It will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and essay.  Final Exam  The final exam will be held in class on March 30 and will follow the format of the midterm.

14  Each week, I will provide students with an agenda for the class, which outlines the activities and homework for the day.  Besides the assignments already discussed, there will be regular classroom discussion on the topics outlined on the syllabus for each week.  Each student is responsible for being prepared to engage in a thoughtful discussion on the topics presented, or for any activities planned.  Please review the syllabus if you’re unsure about policies  Late work will be accepted, but will lose points for each day late  Incomplete work will be accepted and graded for parts complete; any remaining work will be accepted under the late work policy.


16  Match the name of the president with the dates of his term.  You may work with a partner.



19  Read chapters 16 and 17  Response Paper

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