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1 Functions Reproduction Attract pollinators. 2 3 sepal petal filament anther stigma style ovary pistil Stamen.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Functions Reproduction Attract pollinators. 2 3 sepal petal filament anther stigma style ovary pistil Stamen."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Functions Reproduction Attract pollinators

2 2

3 3 sepal petal filament anther stigma style ovary pistil Stamen

4 4 Photosynthesis Light is intercepted and plant sugars are manufactured Large flattened surface for maximum absorption of light energy

5 5 Broad Leaf Needles Scale-like

6 6

7 7 Vein Midrib Petiole Stem

8 8 parallel pinnate palmate

9 9 opposite alternate whorled

10 10 Functions Support leaves and buds, branches and reproductive structures Conduits for transporting water, minerals and manufactured food Some are modified for storage

11 11 Two Basic Stem Types Differ in arrangement of vascular tissue xylem and phloem

12 12 node internode

13 13 Functions Anchor plant Nutrient and water absorption Food storage Two basic root systems: 1. fibrous root 2. tap root fibrous root tap root

14 14 Matured ovule Parts seed coat – embryo – endosperm – embryo area endosperm seed coat protective coating miniature plant food storage organ

15 15 Two cotyledons (seed leaves)

16 16 One cotyledon (seed leaf)

17 17 Mature ovaryMature ovary Seeds are ovulesSeeds are ovules Ovary wall may be fleshy or hardOvary wall may be fleshy or hard Example fruit typesExample fruit types pomepome podpod

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