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Emerging Technologies: Streaming Video by Tenry Berry Yaritza Gonzalez Jamie Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging Technologies: Streaming Video by Tenry Berry Yaritza Gonzalez Jamie Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging Technologies: Streaming Video by Tenry Berry Yaritza Gonzalez Jamie Johnson

2 Overview What is streaming video? What are the various types of streaming video? How can streaming video be applied in education? What are some of the benefits and challenges of using streaming video in the classroom? Examples of streaming video in action –Middle School Math –Secondary Education –United States Navy

3 Introduction Internet technology is in rapid use today. Streaming video is one way to deliver video over the Internet. Streaming is the delivery method of the medium rather than to the medium itself.

4 Introduction Students can directly benefit via distance learning and virtual school trips. Educators can use streaming video techniques to enhance and introduce instruction in all classes. Discovery Education and You Tube are great vehicles to introduce and enhance students’ education. Using streaming videos and other forms of media provide diversity and alternate forms of instruction, remediation, or enrichment.

5 Examples of Streaming Video Two types of streaming: –Live –On-demand Live streaming is the broadcast can be seen or heard in real time. On-demand is archived pre-recorded content which is viewed at any time in its full version.

6 Streaming in Education Streaming video can: –introduce topics –reinforce a concept or skill –provide differentiated support for students Accounting Equation A = L + OE Cash Supplies Equipment Buildings Land Assets - property or things of value owned by an economic unit

7 Benefits and Challenges Benefits Stimulate student discussion Increase student motivation Inspires student and teacher creativity Allows flexibility Challenges Bandwidth Accessibility –May have to pay to access websites –PC may not contain proper program to open file –Need projector or monitor to view

8 Middle School Volume Lesson Access video: Downloaded to files on desktop to avoid technical issues Video connects to prior knowledge of area of shapes Appeals to varying learning styles Discovery learning design employed in video Formula Cheat Sheet

9 Math Lesson: Volume


11 Streaming Video Use in Secondary Education Artificial Intelligence Animation Podcasting Virtual Reality Mobile Learning

12 Streaming Video Use in the Navy Streaming video allows for easier control of copyrighted material. Allows for more personal and effective communication. Useful for when sailors are away in the submarines. Short video “Labor Day Safety Tips” was shown to sailors. Benefits & outcomes of using streaming video during class session.

13 Conclusion Streaming video technologies ensures that the digital media revolution extends beyond the PC. Streaming video, according to Demetriades (2003) can be presented in a variety of appliances. Digital media components and the newest features incorporated in PCs and consumer appliances are improving. Educators should work hard to design technology lessons that accentuate and strengthen traditional methods of teaching.

14 References Boster, F.J., Meyer, G.S., & Roberto, A.J. (2006). Effectiveness of communication technology. Communication Education, 55 (1), 46-62. Demetriades, G. (2003). Streaming media: Building and implementing a complete streaming system. Indianapolis, ID: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dwyer, N. (2002). Training strategies for the twenty-first century: Using recent research on learning to enhance training. Retrieved August 31, 2011 from Lin, C. (2010). Improving the availability of scalable on-demand streams by dynamic buffering on P2P networks. Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 4(14), 491-507. Lippincott, R.M. and Grunwald, P. (2011). The more we use it the more we love it. T.H.E. Journal, 38(6), 43,45.

15 References (cont) Melendi, D., Garcia, R., Paneda, X., Cabrero, S., & Garcia, V. (2010). Performance evaluation of different architectures for an internet radio service deployed on an FTTX network. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 6(2), 46-68. Slavin, R. (2003). Educational Leadership (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon Smaldino, S. E., Lowther, D. L., & Russell, J. D. (2008) Instructional technology and media for learning (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Su, X., and Dhaliwal, S. (September, 2010). Incentive Mechanisms in P2P Media Streaming Systems. IEEE Internet Computing, 14(5), 74-81. Topic, M. (2002). Streaming media demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.

16 Thank you! The End

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