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What is multimedia? Multimedia is the presentation of information by a computer system using graphics, animation, sound or text. Interactive multimedia.

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Presentation on theme: "What is multimedia? Multimedia is the presentation of information by a computer system using graphics, animation, sound or text. Interactive multimedia."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is multimedia? Multimedia is the presentation of information by a computer system using graphics, animation, sound or text. Interactive multimedia - the viewer has control of which elements are delivered and when.

2 Where is multimedia used? In business, multimedia is used for presentations, staff training, advertising and product demonstrations In schools and colleges, multimedia can be used to demonstrate dangerous experiments or make dull lessons a little more interesting. At home, computer games make use of video clips of real actors, 3D graphics and stereo sound tracks.

3 Basic hardware needed A fast processor RAM (main memory) Backing Storage such as a hard drive or flash drive Audio card and speakers Video card and high resolution monitor Some form of input device such as a touch screen, webcam or mouse Some form of output device such as speakers, monitor

4 Software required for Multimedia Systems Software Text Software Graphics Software Audio Software Video editing Software Multimedia Software

5 Systems Software System Software forms a bridge between the user and the hardware The user can issue commands and expect them to be carried out, without having to know the low level details of how the hardware operates Operating System is part of the systems software

6 Text Software Word Processing Software Text can be saved, reloaded and edited Text size or style can be altered Text fonts can be chosen - they may be serif or non-serif –Arial is an example of non-serif –Times New Roman is an example of serif The text can be spell-checked Search and replace can also be used

7 Text Software Desk top publishing software Text and graphics can be imported and manipulated Text can be in more than one column Text can wrap around a graphic In general DTP software has more powerful editing features than a word processor

8 Text Software OCR software reads text directly from a scanner into a word-processor as a document, but it can recognise only a limited number of characters and makes mistakes Voice Recognition converts sound into a text document, but is still not reliable

9 Standard File Formats For Text Txt Text may be transferred between application packages provided it is stored in a standard file format which both packages can understand. Stores only the text. RTF (Rich Text Format) RTF is a complex format used to store data from a word processing application. RTF holds information about typefaces, sizes, colour and styles used in the document. RTF can be used to transfer data between most word processing packages without losing the format.

10 Task – Creating a Multimedia Application Gaming is good for the users health and is beneficial to others You are going to create a presentation which includes, text, graphics, audio and video. The presentation will convince an audience that gaming is good for the users health and is beneficial to others.

11 Task 1 – Creating text files Create a folder in your Computing folder called Gaming Is Good Load the file Research Web Pages Look at the links, read the articles and watch the videos. Type up several short articles in Word which you can use in your PowerPoint Presentation. Each article should be saved as a separate Word file. Each article should be spell checked and formatted appropriately and saved into your Gaming Is Good folder.

12 Graphics software Bit-mapped graphics for photo realistic pictures with a great deal of detail sometimes called ‘Paint’ graphics Object oriented or vector drawn graphics use mathematically defined objects which need much less storage space

13 Bit-mapped graphics A bitmapped graphic is a photo- realistic picture made up of a grid of dots called pixels. At the lowest level a pixel is stored in 1bit of computers memory. A black pixel is stored as 1 and white pixel as a 0.

14 Bit-mapped graphics depend on: Resolution - the number of pixels or dots per inch - dpi. For instance 72 dpi means 72 x 72 = 5184 dots in one square inch - 5Kb of memory. Colour depth depends on the number of colours used. For this however, more memory is needed.

15 Bit Mapped Graphics can be Edited at pixel level Skewed - slanting a picture Distorted - changing the proportions Perspective - giving a 3D effect Blending - softening the picture Cropping – cutting out parts of the picture Panning - moving around a picture which has been cropped.

16 Standard File Formats For Object Oriented Graphics Object Oriented Graphics can be saved as different standard file formats. The most commonly used are Jpeg Bmp Gif

17 Task 2 – Creating bitmapped Graphics Files Load Paint and create a character for a new game that has been released which will be beneficial to the users health. The character can be anything you like but will be a “good” character and it will appear in your final presentation. Extension Work –If you finish your good character then create another character which will be your good characters enemy. –Save a jpeg file from the Internet, which can be used in your presentation. Copy it into Paint and edit it at pixel level.

18 Vector Drawn Graphics Graphics are stored using mathematical formulas taking up very little memory A shape is known as an object and the description and position of the object is stored. A circle might be saved as –CIRCLE 200, 100, 50, RED, BLUE This means a circle with its centre at coordinates 200, 100 with radius 50, drawn with a red line and a blue fill


20 Vector graphics can be: Layered - placed in front or behind other objects Scaled - size changed without loss of image quality Rotated - turned through a number of degrees Flipped - reflected in a vertical or horizontal axis

21 Task 3 – Creating Vector Drawn Graphics Files Load Serif Draw and try to create another good character for the “Gaming is Good” game. The character should be similar to the character you created in Paint. Extension Work –If you finish your good character then create another character which will be the good characters enemy. You must bring headphones for next lesson.

22 Audio Sound is created when air particles are compressed together and spring back again. The compressions travel outwards from the source in all directions rather like an explosion. When they reach your ear, your eardrum transmits the compressions to your brain and your brain interprets them as sound.

23 Analogue and Digital Because sound varies constantly it is an analogue quantity, and when it reaches a microphone the vibrations are changed into a constantly varying electrical current with the same frequency as the sound vibration.

24 Analogue and Digital The audio board takes this analogue signal and converts it into digital for computer manipulation - it also converts digital signals from the computer back into analogue signals that a speaker can convert to sound.

25 Digital Audio Digital Audio is a set of numbers representing the sound and sampling it. The input audio source can be –microphone –musical instrument

26 Editing Digital Audio Volume adjustments Splicing –Cut and paste sections of audio clips Down Sampling –Reduces memory size of file Fade Ins and Fade outs Adding special Effects –echo and reverb

27 Task 4 – Editing Audio Files Load Audacity From Project – Import Audio and choose the music file you would like to edit Use Audacity to create audio for your PowerPoint Presentation. You must not Save your audio but Export as Wav so that they can be added to PowerPoint The audio can be sounds to play during your presentation or sounds that are to be used in the “Gaming is good” game.

28 Moving Images Moving Images come in two formats Animation –Created using a series of still images changed very slightly and shown one after the other. Video –Captured using WebCam

29 Animation –Created using a series of still images changed very slightly and shown one after the other. –Each image is known as a frame. –A minute of animation can use as many as 1440 different frames.

30 Video Video Images –Video places the greatest demand on computer hardware. –Video plays at 25 or 30 frames per second. –One frame can take up to 1Mb. –108 gigabytes would be required for 1 hour of video

31 Factors affecting video capture and playback: Frame rate - less than 15 fps and it is jerky Movie size - 320 x 240 pixels is the maximum for reasonable quality Colour depth - 256 colours is generally enough for reasonable quality Storage - MPEG compression is needed for fast enough transfer to the video board

32 Video software Input - alters movie size, frame rate and colour depth Manipulation - cut and paste, merge in audio clips, use special effects like fade and wipe

33 Task 5 – Capturing and Editing Video Files Load Windows MovieMaker Using the WebCam, capture some video and edit it using MovieMaker Add some special effects to your video You can also input some audio to the video From File “Save Movie File” into your “Gaming Is Good” folder The video is to be used in the “Gaming is good” presentation.

34 Multimedia Software Packages Multimedia software is used to assemble all the different elements in to a multimedia presentation. There are various different ways of putting together a multimedia presentation. One of the most common ways is using a presentation package

35 Multimedia Presentation Package A presentation program is a computer software package used to display information, normally in the form of a slide show. It typically includes three major functions: –an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, –a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images –and a slide-show system to display the content.

36 Multimedia Presentation Package A presentation program is a computer software package used to display information, normally in the form of a slide show. It typically includes three major functions: –an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, –a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images –and a slide-show system to display the content.

37 Task 6 – Designing a PowerPoint Presentation Gaming is good for the users health and is beneficial to others You are going to create a presentation which includes all the text, graphics, audio and video files you have created. The presentation must also use –Custom Animation and Hyperlinks either to web pages or other slides You must design the presentation first on the design sheets from your teacher. Your Design must –Show the position and general content of each media element –Indicate if there is a link to another slide or website –Any slide transitions DO NOT START THE PRESENTATION UNTIL YOUR TEACHER HAS CHECKED YOUR DESIGN

38 Task 7 – Creating a PowerPoint Presentation Gaming is good for the users health and is beneficial to others You are going to create a presentation which includes all the text, graphics, audio and video files you have created. The presentation must also use –Custom Animation and Hyperlinks either to web pages or other slides Follow the design you have created carefully.

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