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Abrir  To open. añadir  To add Cerrar  To close.

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Presentation on theme: "Abrir  To open. añadir  To add Cerrar  To close."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abrir  To open

2 añadir  To add

3 Cerrar  To close

4 Dejar reposar  To let sit

5 Parecer  To seem

6 Picar  To chop

7 probar  To taste (to test)

8 Seguir  To follow

9 Sonar  To sound

10 A la parilla  Grilled

11 Al gusto  To taste

12 Al horno  baked

13 Espeso/a  Thick

14 La copa  Wine glass

15 La fuente de vidrio  Glass serving dish

16 La lata  can

17 Vender  To sell

18 El ambiente  Atmosphere (ambiance)

19 La etiqueta  Label

20 Dar una propina  To leave a tip

21 La comida chatarra  Junk food

22 Enseguida  Immediately

23 Nadie  No one

24 Jamás  Never

25 Me cae bien  It agrees with me

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