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“Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Introduction: Today we will meet, mourn and celebrate Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

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2 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3

3 Introduction: Today we will meet, mourn and celebrate Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

4 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 (video)

5 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Stephen’s martyrdom was not in vain, as it sparked the dispersion of the Gospel to regions outside Jerusalem.

6 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Acts 11:19 (NIV) “Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, telling the message only to Jews.”

7 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 More than Conquerors (Romans 8:28-39)

8 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application: Sometimes, what we think is negative experience, is exactly what God allows to spark greater faithfulness and fruitfulness in our own life or the lives of others.

9 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application: What does God promise us in Romans 8:28? “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

10 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application: Are there still places in the world where Christians are persecuted and killed? YES! more Christians were martyred in the 20th century that the previous centuries combined.

11 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application: We must pray for our brothers and sisters experiencing persecution that they may be able to stand up for Christ even when it means putting their very lives on the line.

12 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application:

13 “Blessed Persecution” Acts 7:54-8:3 Life Application: Please visit to learn how you can pray and support persecuted Christians around the world.

14 See You Next Sunday!

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