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DEFENDER OF THE FAITH 103-165 JUNE 1 Justin Martyr.

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1 DEFENDER OF THE FAITH 103-165 JUNE 1 Justin Martyr

2 Justin, the Martyr

3 The Story Put yourself back at this time, in the beginning of the second century. Christianity is being spread around the known world, especially among the poor people but also among the well to do in the cities. This brings Christians in frequent contact with pagans. When this contact goes well, discussion follow. The Christians attempt to explain what it means to be a Christian. This is the work of an Apologist. Justin Martyr was an Apologist. When this contact doesn’t go well, either flight or martyrdom follow. Justin was a martyr for our faith.

4 The Story Justin was born to pagan parents, judging by the names of his father and grandfather (Piscoes, Baccheios). He was born in Flavia Neopolis, known today as Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria, Palestine about the year 100. By this time the original witnesses to the ministry of Jesus had all died, as had most of their disciples. Nablus

5 The Story Justin gives a fair amount of information about himself in his writings. He says that he was uncircumcised as a youth, but wanted to know more about the different philosophies and religions. He went to Ephesus to study philosophy. Ephesus

6 The Story Justin studied many philosophies and religions at Ephesus, but was intrigued by the faith of the Christians, especially of the martyrs. He says it was an old Christian, down by the sea shore, who told him about the Old Testament prophets that convinced him to become a Christian himself. By 135 A.D. (Anno Domini), Justin had arrived in Rome. In Rome he gave two presentations (apologies). One to Emperor Antonius Pius and the other to the Roman Senate. In these testimonies, we have a wonderful memory of the early Christian liturgy and faith.

7 The Story Quotes from Justin: But we have received by tradition that God does not need the material offerings which men can give, seeing, indeed, that He Himself is the provider of all things. And we have been taught, and are convinced, and do believe, that He accepts those only who imitate the excellences which reside in Him, temperance, and justice, and philanthropy, and as many virtues as are peculiar to a God who is called by no proper name.

8 The Story Quotes from Justin: And more than all other men are we your helpers and allies in promoting peace, seeing that we hold this view, that it is alike impossible for the wicked, the covetous, the conspirator, and for the virtuous, to escape the notice of God, and that each man goes to everlasting punishment or salvation according to the value of his actions. For if all men knew this, no one would choose wickedness even for a little, knowing that he goes to the everlasting punishment of fire; but would by all means restrain himself, and adorn himself with virtue, that he might obtain the good gifts of God, and escape the punishments.

9 The Story The saints were seized and brought before the prefect of Rome, whose name was Rusticus…Rusticus said, “What system of teaching do you profess?” Justin said, “I have tried to learn about every system, but I have accepted the true doctrines of the Christians…” Rusticus said, “Are these doctrine approved by you, wretch that you are?” Justin said, “Yes, for I follow them with their correct teaching.” “…Worship the God of the Christians. We hold him to be from the beginning the one creator and maker of the whole creation, of things seen and unseen. We worship also the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was foretold by the prophets as the future herald of salvation for the human race, and the teacher of distinguished disciples…”

10 The Story Rusticus said, “You are a Christian then?” Justin said, “Yes, I am a Christian. The prefect Rusticus said, “Now let us come to the point at issue, which is necessary and urgent. Gather round then and with one accord offer sacrifice to the gods.” Justin said, “No one who is right-thinking stoops from true worship to false worship.” The prefect Rusticus said, “If you do not do as you are commanded you will be tortured without mercy.” Justin said, “We hope to suffer torment for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so be saved.”

11 The Story Glorifying God, the holy martyrs went out to the accustomed place. They were beheaded

12 Remember It is so easy to think of our faith, in our time, as being something purely personal. We have our own spiritual battles, but they are ours and no one else’s. But we need to be prepared to give a faithful witness to someone who will ask us, whether that someone will be a modern Justin, or to someone will torture and kill us because we are Christians. If you were to give an accounting of your faith, what would you say?

13 Prayer Almighty and everlasting God, through the folly of the cross you taught your martyr Justin the sublime wisdom of Jesus Christ: Grant that all who seek you may be found by you, and, rejecting all falsehood and deception, remain loyal to the faith revealed to us in Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN.

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