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CASIROZ – participant 8 assistant contractor to participant 7 Michael Tausz, Dieter Grill Maria Müller Karin Herbinger, Klaus Remele Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie,

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Presentation on theme: "CASIROZ – participant 8 assistant contractor to participant 7 Michael Tausz, Dieter Grill Maria Müller Karin Herbinger, Klaus Remele Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CASIROZ – participant 8 assistant contractor to participant 7 Michael Tausz, Dieter Grill Maria Müller Karin Herbinger, Klaus Remele Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie, Universität Graz, Schubertstraße 51, A-8010 Graz, Austria

2 Planned investigations Biochemical defense –Ascorbate system –Glutathione system –Tocopherol –Chloroplast pigments Chromosomal damages –Aberration rates

3 Asc DHAsc GSH GSSG NADPH DHAsc Asc Cell wall Plasmalemma O3O3 ROS Symplast Apoplast Chloroplast NADP GSH GSSG NADPHAsc NADP DHAsc Secondary products Secondary products Photosynthetic apparatus ROS


5 Aberration types –sticky chromosomesanaphase bridges

6 Further aberrations –vagrant chromosomes in –metaphaseanaphase

7 Planned experiments Biochemical defense –Ascorbate system –Glutathione system –Tocopherol –Chloroplast pigments Chromosomal damages –Aberration rates

8 Experiments Container exposed young trees Branch cuvette exposures Mature trees

9 Container exposed young trees Ascorbate; glutathione; tocopherols; pigments in leaves of young (3-yrs-old) trees (exposed at 2 canopy levels). Ascorbate; glutathione; tocopherols in roots of young (3-yrs-old) trees (exposed at 2 canopy levels). Depends on available material - possible only once per season! Chromosomal aberration analysis in roots of young (3-yrs-old) trees (exposed at 2 canopy levels).

10 Branch cuvette exposures Ascorbate; glutathione; tocopherols; pigments in leave samples included in branch cuvette fumigation systems (interface to partner 7).

11 Mature trees Tocopherols and chloroplast pigments in leaves of adult trees (interface to partner 4 who contributes glutathione and ascorbate). Sampling schedule partner 4. Ascorbate; glutathione; tocopherols in roots of adult trees. Sampling schedule depending on available root material - possibly only once a season. Chromosomal aberration analysis in roots of adult trees.

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