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FOUNDATION Series Software Foundation v1.5 Enhancements Version 2.0.

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2 FOUNDATION Series Software Foundation v1.5 Enhancements Version 2.0

3 FOUNDATION Series Software New Features in Foundation F1.5 Integration with Express and Implementation Tools via API mechanisms Full Verilog Support New Look and Feel for Project Manager New Device Support –Virtex –XC9500XL –SpartanXL Improved Synthesis Engine Improved Implementation Engine

4 FOUNDATION Series Software Express Integration Emulation of Express look and feel in Files tab and Versions tab –Local menus –Files tab source status markers (check, ?, X) –Files tab entities display –Versions tab Functional/Optimized Structure and entities display However, some changes consciously made to improve usability –Example: some changes in local menus –Example: dialog box option “assertion levels” (I.e. “Do not insert I/O pads” changed to “insert I/O pads”) Full Constraint Manager and Timing Tracker implementation

5 FOUNDATION Series Software Implementation Tools Integration Most Design Manager functions are available from Project Manager –Version, Revision actions available via local menus, pull-down menus, and Flow Diagram automation –Ancillary Xilinx tools (e.g., Floorplanner, EPIC, etc.) are in Tools > Implementation pull-down menu “Interactive” Flow Engine can be invoked on any Revision

6 FOUNDATION Series Software Full Verilog Support State Editor can now generate Verilog behavioral code Full HDL Editor support –Color coding –Language Assistant –Syntax checking Schematic Editor –Verilog modules (macros)

7 FOUNDATION Series Software Project Manager PCM is now truly “Mission Control” for Foundation –Express GUI and Design Manager no longer required in most cases (these are still provided in “Xilinx Foundation Series > Accessories” folder) Menus re-organized for ease of use and support of integrated synthesis and implementation functionality

8 FOUNDATION Series Software Files Tab (HDL Flow) HDL files’ entities shown via Express API Status of each HDL file’s Analysis shown Local Menus provide Power User functions

9 FOUNDATION Series Software Versions Tab (HDL Flow) Displays both Express Elaborated/Optimized Structures and Xilinx Versions/Revisions Symbology indicates elaboration/optimization results (i.e., x, exclamation point, checkmark) Local menu pick for FE.LOG Interactive Flow Engine can be invoked on any Revision at any time

10 FOUNDATION Series Software More on HDL Flow’s Versions Tab Top-level item in Tab corresponds to Express Elaboration and Xilinx “Version” Multiple Versions can exist –A different package/speed within the same architecture can be selected without re-synthesizing (results in a new Revision) –Retargeting the design to a different architecture means you should re-synthesize (which means a new Version will be created) “Revision” item corresponds exactly to Design Manager “Revision”

11 FOUNDATION Series Software Versions Tab for Schematic Flow Top-level object corresponds to “xproj” directory Target family determined by File>Project Type dialog setting (as it was in F1.4) Changing Project Type will attach new Unified Library to Project; subsequent Implementations will use the new Family

12 FOUNDATION Series Software Versions Tab: Local Menus (HDL Flow) Functional Structure Menu Provides Access to Express Constraint Manager Optimized Structure Menu Includes Pick for Express Timing Tracker Context-sensitive Local Menu Picks for Express Pre- and Post-Optimized Reports

13 FOUNDATION Series Software Completely Revamped Flow Diagram New “Phase Box” Design Step Grouping –Some Phases contain individual tool buttons Flow Progress Indicators Flow-sensitive Diagram Layout –Schematic Flow’s diagram does not have Synthesis Phase New Flow Automation Single-action Phase button Multiple tool Phase button

14 FOUNDATION Series Software “Pull” Model Implemented for Synthesis, Functional Simulation, and Implementation Phase Boxes Design will be “pulled through” the required processing steps to bring it to point that user selects

15 FOUNDATION Series Software Synthesis/Implementation Dialog This dialog is used for both Synthesis and Implementation Phase Invoked from Files or Versions tab, from the Sythesis or Implementation pull-down menus, or as a result of selecting the Synthesis, Simulation, or Implementation Phase boxes Depending on how it’s invoked, one section or the other may be grayed out

16 FOUNDATION Series Software Messages/Reports Express GUI tabs implemented in Console area Xilinx Report Browser available via Reports Tab “Implementation Log File” (FE.LOG) also shown

17 FOUNDATION Series Software “Project” Pull-down Menu Source files are automatically analyzed when added to Project Single-point Version/Revision Management “Clear Implementation Data” deletes all synthesis and implementation data and directories (but source files remain)

18 FOUNDATION Series Software “Synthesis” and “Implementation” Pull-down Menus Synthesis Menu Provides Design- Global Functions Plus a Few “Expected” Items “local” functions are provided via local (right-mouse-button) menus Shown in HDL Flow only Implementation Menu Provides: –Duplicates Implementation Phase Button and “Implement” local menu pick –Invokes Xilinx Report Browser –Invokes Project Options dialog

19 FOUNDATION Series Software “Tools” Pull-down Menu Tools grouped into Phases Implementation menu includes Pin Locking items (single command to lock pins) Programming Tools are grayed out if not applicable to current architecture

20 FOUNDATION Series Software What’s New in the Express Synthesis Engine Integrated project management as discussed earlier New architecture support –Virtex Addition of some VHDL ‘93 constructs –end keyword-component keyword –is keyword-labels on assignments –T’image(X)-block in generate –alias keyword-array slices with others Addition of other HDL constructs –rising_edge / falling_edge –‘else –hex, octal and binary for std_logic_vectors

21 FOUNDATION Series Software New State Machine Synthesis Options FSM Encoding Style One Hot Binary FSM Extraction Method Safest (all possible states) Smallest (defined states only) What’s New in the Express Synthesis Engine

22 FOUNDATION Series Software What’s New in the Implementation Engine No License or Hardware Key Required –Express configurations require FlexLM Software Run Time Enhancements –Significantly faster timing-driven place & route –Netlist translation and timing annotation steps 6 to 10 times faster than in v1.4 New Timing Analysis Algorithms –designed to handle larger numbers of timing paths than in previous releases (critical for supporting the new, very large Virtex devices) –Design-aware Constraint Editor for schematic designs New FPGA Floorplanner

23 FOUNDATION Series Software More New Features Integrated Installation Program –Installs Design Entry, Synthesis, and Implementation components (1 CD) –Each Part Family selection will install both the applicable schematic symbol library and the Implementation data files automatically –DynaText docs are on a separate CD New Interactive (Macromedia) demo/introduction

24 FOUNDATION Series Software Application Enhancements Version 2.0

25 FOUNDATION Series Software Schematic Editor Re-implemented Bus behavior –Complex buses –Bus editing now more similar to wire editing Enhanced wire behavior –Selection, deletion –Autowiring –Rubberbanding Local Menus (e.g., right-click > Hierarchy Push, copy/paste, Symbol Properties, etc.)

26 FOUNDATION Series Software Schematic Editor (continued) “SC Symbols” dialog box enhanced - Project components are listed separately from Unified Library comps “Replace Symbol” option now has a drop-down selector from which to pick new symbol Symbol attributes can now be moved directly (no need to bring up Properties dialog) Multi-level undo (5 levels) Copy/Paste enhancement: objects to be pasted are visible as copy buffer is moved around on the schematic Enhanced Coregen 1.5 interface (i.e., symbol generation)

27 FOUNDATION Series Software HDL Editor New “Insert File” item in Edit menu –Provides easy method for insertion of LogiBLOX and CoreGen-created instantiation templates Verilog syntax checking, color-coding, language templates, Schematic Flow macro synthesis VHDL Language Assistant templates updated to be Express-compliant

28 FOUNDATION Series Software Gate-Level Simulator Virtex LUT support New Simulation Script Wizard –invoked either at Script Editor start-up or from Script Editor’s Tools menu Memory allocation tuning to support larger netlists Signal Selection dialog “Search” feature enhanced New “Enable Global Netlist Analysis” feature –can speed up simulation if disabled (not always needed) –Project-specific –See Whatsnew.HLP for more detail

29 FOUNDATION Series Software Script Wizard A new alternative to using the Simulation Macro Assistant

30 FOUNDATION Series Software Script Wizard Resulting Script

31 FOUNDATION Series Software Migration of F1.4 Designs Into F1.5 No automatic conversion is done –F1.4, XACT 6 Projects are opened in their native Project Type Automatic determination of proper Flow (Schematic or HDL) Customers with existing designs that contain X-VHDL (Metamor) blocks may wish to keep Metamor installed for support of those designs –Metamor can be installed as a standalone component from F1.4 Design Entry Tools CD

32 FOUNDATION Series Software Unequaled Value Foundation Series Promotional Pricing NOTE: Promotional Pricing Good Through 12/30/98 $95 $495 $4995 $4995 $3995 $7995 X

33 FOUNDATION Series Software Foundation Series Product Roadmap Now Shipping! Foundation Ease-of-Use enhancements Internet Access New HDL templates Advanced Performance Features Express 2.1.3 synthesis Production Virtex support Latest device packages and Speed Grades Japanese Localization Nov 1998 F1.5F1.5i / F1.5J Next Generation Design Environment HDL Centric Design Entry & Project Management Improved Simulator Capacity / Performance Foundation Ease-of-Use enhancements Improved Push-Button Automation Improved Error Navigation Robust Version Control CPLD Floorplanner Mid 1999 F2.1 Foundation Ease-of-Use enhancements Multi-media “Quick- Tour” demo Embedded FPGA Express Unified Project Mgmt. Plug-and-Play HDL Simulation solutions Advanced Performance Features Timespec Constraint Editor Floorplanner Virtex (Beta), 9KXL, 4KXLA, SpartanXL device support * Regular scheduled Xilinx Software service packs are now distributed via the web. **

34 FOUNDATION Series Software the end.

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