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Chapter 3 Living Resources Section 1 Environmental Issues Notes 3-1.

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1 Chapter 3 Living Resources Section 1 Environmental Issues Notes 3-1

2 Types of Environmental Issues Resource Use Resource Use o Renewable resources: naturally replaced in short time o Sunlight, wind, trees, water o Nonrenewable resources: Natural resources that are not replaced as they are sued o Fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas

3 Types of Environmental Issues Population Growth Population Growth o With new and improved medicines, agriculture and sanitation, people are living longer. o More people need more resources Pollution Pollution o Any change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things o Usually results from an activity that benefits humans

4 Environmental Science Study of the natural process that occur in the environment and how humans can affect them. Making environmental decisions, people need to consider all the different points of view. Remember that each decision is part of a bigger view o If everyone were to take your point of view, what would happen in the world?

5 Environmental Viewpoints Developmental Viewpoint: Developmental Viewpoint: o Humans should e able to freely use and benefit from Earth’s resources o Refers to environment in economic terms How much money can we make from this? How many jobs can be made if we do this? How many businesses will be affected by this decision?

6 Environmental Viewpoints Preservation Viewpoint: Preservation Viewpoint: o All parts of the environment al equally important o Humans are caretakers of the environment o Earth should be a source of beauty, comfort and recreation o Ecosystems should be left alone

7 Environmental Viewpoints Conservation Viewpoint: Conservation Viewpoint: o People should use resources as long as they do not destroy those resources o Balance of preservation and development o Manage resources for the future

8 Weighing Costs and Benefits Lawmakers must consider all viewpoints and needs of the people Cost may outweigh the benefits – NOT GOOD Benefits may outweigh the costs – GOOD Consider drilling for oil in Antarctica o What are the costs and benefits?

9 Drilling for Oil in Antarctica Costs: Costs: o Very expensive to set up drilling equipment o Transportation of oil is costly o Oil spill would harm wildlife Benefits: Benefits: o New supply would drop consumer costs o Create new job o Could study Antarctica ecosystems while there

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