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RETENTION: Implementing Successful SIG/SPDG Projects Cyndi Boezio, Ph.D. Colorado Department of Education SIG Regional Meeting—Albuquerque October 29,

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Presentation on theme: "RETENTION: Implementing Successful SIG/SPDG Projects Cyndi Boezio, Ph.D. Colorado Department of Education SIG Regional Meeting—Albuquerque October 29,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RETENTION: Implementing Successful SIG/SPDG Projects Cyndi Boezio, Ph.D. Colorado Department of Education SIG Regional Meeting—Albuquerque October 29, 2007

2 Discussion Questions Management: How do you manage a particular initiative? Content Implementation: How do you implement from initial pilot sites to scaling-up? Evaluation: How are you going to evaluate impact? Sustainability: How do you sustain it?

3 Retention Efforts in Colorado Grow-Your-Own Projects −Full tuition and support for paraeducators −Tuition stipends to district staff to become SLPs Incentive Programs −Incentive programs for vision and hearing providers −Incentive programs at facilities (residential, day treatment…) Rural Mentor Project

4 A Colorado SIG Project Funded by OSEP

5 The MENTOR Project Training for mentors—5 days Mentor stipend—$500 or $250 Expert consultant for mentor support Substitute reimbursement— classroom observations and meetings with protégé Training for protégés—2 days

6 #1. Managing a Project Identification of Sites −Retention Rate Data: Pilot in 3 highest need regions (3 of 8 regions) −Marketing: Personal Face-to-Face Invite, Use Project Data & Personal Testimonies

7 Managing a Project Staffing/Resource Allocations −Recommendation for trainer/consultant −Change when necessary: Relationships v. Skills Relationship Building & Buy-In −Superintendents −Principals

8 #2. Implementation: Pilots Start Small: Learn from Mistakes −Planning −Rural issues (mentor/protégé match, face-to-face meetings…) −Number of protégés −Relationship v. Skills −SPED directors working w/principals Involve Parents −PEAK Parent Center (PTI)

9 Scaling-Up Must be Dramatically Easier −Selling to superintendents and principals (time, cost, and achievement)

10 Scaling-Up & Systemic Factors Build the Infrastructure First! −Coaching: Teacher leaders in 3 regions −Trainers: Trainers trained to use the standard curriculum* −Evaluation: Use data for decision making Think Regionally!

11 #3. Evaluation Continuous Feedback Loop −Mentors said teach more skills −Protégés said liked networking −Directors said standards-based IEPs

12 Evaluation of Impact: Retention Projects Increased Retention Rates Comparison with None Project Novice Teachers −1 BOCES had 100% retention w/the project and less than 50% w/out


14 Evaluation of Impact: Participants’ Views Value of Project −Protégés 71% improved teaching skills 86% impacted their professional growth −Mentors 100% positive professional experience −Special Education Directors “re-energized my veteran teachers” “all parties raved about the MENTOR Project”

15 #4. Sustainability Implementation with Fidelity −Coverage—Implement all components −Dosage—Ensure amount of time & intensity −Need Coaching 3 regional teacher leaders

16 Sustainability Systems in Place −Coaching −Training −Evaluation Loop Material Development −Standard curriculum −Mentor modules Support from Leadership

17 Contact Colorado Cyndi Boezio, SIG Director −303-866-6853 (call first) Adena Miller, Mentor Coordinator −303-866-6698 −

18 Discussion Questions 1.Management: How do you manage a particular initiative? 2.Content Implementation: How do you implement from initial pilot sites to scaling-up? 3.Evaluation: How are you going to evaluate impact? 4.Sustainability: How do you sustain it?

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