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Welcome to the Launch workshop for the Discussion Kit ‘A fair deal for wellbeing’?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Launch workshop for the Discussion Kit ‘A fair deal for wellbeing’?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Launch workshop for the Discussion Kit ‘A fair deal for wellbeing’?

2 Introduction Launch workshop aims By the end of the workshop, ‘discussion kit champions’ will: be familiar with the potential of the discussion kit and its working. have discussed ideas for an using the kit in their own areas

3 Introduction Launch workshop programme 1pm Introduction: What next? 1.15 Have a go: a chance to use the discussion kit. 2.30 Break 2.45Future use of the discussion kit Question and answer session Implementation strategies for our area 3.50Evaluation and monitoring 4.00 Close

4 Introduction Why a discussion kit?

5 Introduction: History 2009 Regional Wellbeing Survey Group: How can we engage the public in a conversation about: the 5 ways to wellbeing, the North West Mental Wellbeing Survey and also around the issue of mental wellbeing more generally?

6 This is what we want But how?

7 Introduction: History 2010 Design group formed: Our Life (Peter Bryant), NHS North West (Jude Stansfield), NHS Cumbria (Jane Mathieson), NHS Liverpool (Catherine Reynolds)

8 Introduction: History 2010 Draft discussion kit piloted three times Amendments made, new versions written 2011 Implementation strategy agreed with NHS NW Design work completed Launch workshop

9 Introduction: The Discussion kit needs to…… Be Self facilitating Stimulate conversation Take no longer than 1.5 hours to use Be easy to use Be easy to get hold of Get people thinking about the 5 ways to wellbeing Allow people to plan action (if they want to)

10 Introduction: What next? You can -Host a workshop in your area to encourage people to use the kit -Use the discussion kit in your work, if you need to, download a copy from the Our Life website -Encourage others to use the kit.

11 Introduction: What next? You can help evaluate it -Make sure people fill in the evaluation cards (ten in each pack) (you can download more) -Use the ‘Survey Monkey’ to give your thoughts.

12 Introduction: What next? You can help the kit to make a difference -Take the completed action plans from the kit to decision makers -Join a network of discussion kit users on Communities of Practice

13 Introduction: What next? It won’t work without you…

14 Have a go! A chance to use the discussion kit

15 Future use of the discussion kit 1.Questions and answer session (15 mins) –How did it go? –What did you think of it? 2.Implementation strategies for your area (30 mins) (in twos or threes)

16 Future use of the discussion kit (20 mins) Implementation strategies for your area Can you organise another workshop like this to encourage more people to use the kit? Who do you want to use the discussion kit in your own area (who are you targeting?) How will you get people to use it?

17 Evaluation and monitoring The DK has been designed to get people thinking more about wellbeing and in doing so take action to improve it in their area. Our Life will be evaluating 1. The extent and value of the ‘cascade’; 2. The effectiveness of the Discussion Kit for creating action.

18 How will Our Life do it? 1.The Wellbeing discussion kit network survey (survey monkey) 2. Pre-paid evaluation postcards in each pack; 3. Case studies: Our Life will identify a number of places as case studies to study more in depth how the kit worked.

19 Reporting & points of contact Assembling a body of evidence on impact –Experience of participants and champions –Case studies on how the discussion is being used –Views of key decision makers on action planning Due to report findings from the evaluation early 2012 –Dependent on speed and size of cascade Troubleshooting –Matt Bowen – –Peter Bryant – –Jayne Malone – 0161 233 7500

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