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Global Impacts of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Impacts of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Impacts of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

2 Explain the message that the artist is trying to get across. Picture #1 Picture #2

3 Objective Students will examine the global impact of the Israeli-Arab conflict in order to draw conclusions how the Palestinians have advanced or impeded the peace process. Students will examine the global impact of the Israeli-Arab conflict in order to draw conclusions how the Palestinians have advanced or impeded the peace process.

4 Pre Reading The airplane was hijacked by armed Palestinians. The airplane was hijacked by armed Palestinians. A suicide bomber, associated with a terrorist group, blew up the US embassy in Africa. A suicide bomber, associated with a terrorist group, blew up the US embassy in Africa. The army fired upon unarmed protestors. It was a massacre. The army fired upon unarmed protestors. It was a massacre. The passenger liner docked at the port to refuel before traveling across the Atlantic Ocean to New York. The passenger liner docked at the port to refuel before traveling across the Atlantic Ocean to New York. Act of an instance of killing a number of helpless human beings. To use terror in order to gain power. To take over at gunpoint. A ship carrying civilians.

5 During Reading As you are reading about the world events, highlight/underline countries that are affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how they were affected. As you are reading about the world events, highlight/underline countries that are affected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how they were affected.

6 Munich At 4:30 am on Septmeber 5, 1972, 8 Arab terrrorists entered the Olympic Village, in Munich Germany At 4:30 am on Septmeber 5, 1972, 8 Arab terrrorists entered the Olympic Village, in Munich Germany Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five terrorist, and one German policeman were dead. Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five terrorist, and one German policeman were dead. The Munich operation was ordered by Yasser Arafat and carried out by Fatah, they called themselve Black September. The Munich operation was ordered by Yasser Arafat and carried out by Fatah, they called themselve Black September.



9 Achille lauro

10 Rome and Vienna Airports

11 Pan Am Flight 103


13 Global Affects of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Munich Massacre Countries AffectedHow were they affected?Impeded/Advance Peace Achille Lauro Countries AffectedHow were they affected?Impeded/Advance Peace


15 Global Affects of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Rome and Vienna Airport Attacks Countries AffectedHow were they affected?Impeded/Advance Peace Pan Am Flight 103 Countries AffectedHow were they affected?Impeded/Advance Peace

16 Re-analyze this cartoon. What do you think the message is? Picture #1 Picture #2

17 After Reading In class today, you have read how the Israeli-Palestinians conflict has impacted the world. Draw conclusions how the Palestinians have advanced or impeded the peace process. Use examples from the text to support your answer. In class today, you have read how the Israeli-Palestinians conflict has impacted the world. Draw conclusions how the Palestinians have advanced or impeded the peace process. Use examples from the text to support your answer.

18 Sample Response The Palestinian have impeded the peace process. I know this because in the world events that I have read today, the Palestinians have killed people from countries from all over the world. In the Rome and Vienna airport killings, terrorist shot and killed people waiting at the airport causing terror and death in Italy and Austria. In the Achille Lauro hijacking, a handicapped Jewish American was shot and thrown overboard by Palestinian terrorist. Another example of how the Palestinians are impeding peace is in the Munich Olympics. Israeli athletes were murdered, a German policeman was killed and it terrorized people in Germany. These actions by the Palestinians impede the peace process. The Palestinian have impeded the peace process. I know this because in the world events that I have read today, the Palestinians have killed people from countries from all over the world. In the Rome and Vienna airport killings, terrorist shot and killed people waiting at the airport causing terror and death in Italy and Austria. In the Achille Lauro hijacking, a handicapped Jewish American was shot and thrown overboard by Palestinian terrorist. Another example of how the Palestinians are impeding peace is in the Munich Olympics. Israeli athletes were murdered, a German policeman was killed and it terrorized people in Germany. These actions by the Palestinians impede the peace process.

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