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ENP in Ukraine: what lessons learned can be useful for WEI Victor Liakh, East Europe Foundation Date.

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Presentation on theme: "ENP in Ukraine: what lessons learned can be useful for WEI Victor Liakh, East Europe Foundation Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENP in Ukraine: what lessons learned can be useful for WEI Victor Liakh, East Europe Foundation Date


3 Ukraine: setting the scene Freest country in CIS (2008) Highest level of corruption in CIS (2008) Uneasy Russia-Ukraine relations Rapid development of civil society for recent decade Political clinch between powers Presidential elections in 2010 Euro 2012 Cup

4 Ukraine-EU cooperation: ENPI mechanism NATIONAL INDICATIVE PROGRAMME 2007-2010 Main channel of EU support for Ukraine for 2007-2010 with budget of € 494 M Support is provided through other EC programmes and agencies, (e.g. TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus) Two additional mechanisms: the Neighborhood Infrastructure Facility and the Governance Facility

5 Challenges for ENP implementation Policy objectives are too wide; too vague to be measured Low involvement of stakeholder in ENP elaboration Contradiction between a tradition of a highly institutionalized process and weak institutionalization of the implementation Limited opportunities for NGOs to participate at the Program

6 WE: lessons learned from ENP in Ukraine Formulate concrete “traceable” objectives Involve stakeholders in the WEI target countries and abroad into the formulation of the WEI objectives and actions; approaches to implementation of the WEI Facilitate exchanges between Finnish partners and partners in WEI target countries Coordinate efforts with other donors Explore role of private sector in some program areas

7 Thank you for your attention!!! Contact information Victor Liakh, Executive Director East Europe Foundation

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