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Supply Chain Bottlenecks October 23, 2013 62 nd Illinois Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference Don Schaefer Mid-West Truckers Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Supply Chain Bottlenecks October 23, 2013 62 nd Illinois Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference Don Schaefer Mid-West Truckers Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply Chain Bottlenecks October 23, 2013 62 nd Illinois Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference Don Schaefer Mid-West Truckers Association

2 404,990 trucks registered in State of Illinois. More truck miles traveled in Illinois than any other state.

3 Random Truck Facts According to the ATA, for hire truck tonnage is up 3.2% over last year. Truck capacity is up 8.1% over last year. Average price of diesel fuel is up 4-cents per gallon over last year. Trucking industry employment is up 3.3% over last year. Orders for heavy trucks (what we call Class 8) are DOWN for the year. Trade with NAFTA partners Canada and Mexico is up 8.3 percent, the 42 nd consecutive month of monthly increases as recorded by USDOT.

4 Random Truck Facts (continued) Intermodal rail traffic in July was 5.6% higher than a year ago, according to the American Association of Railroads. AAR also reported that intermodal loadings have are again experiencing year to year gains after a slight dip in 2012 Average truck operational cost - $1.81/mile.



7 Congestion Reduces Average Speeds

8 Local Roads & Streets 102” wide 55’ in overall length 80,000 lbs maximum weight


10 Locally Maintained Designated Truck Routes Find Route By : or County : ADAMS Jurisdiction : ADAMS (COUNTY)217-223-0614 Road NameLocation 18TH ST SEMINARY RD to QUINTRON WAY 42ND STREETWISMAN LANE to POSTAL DR 48TH STREETCOLUMBUS RD to WISMAN LANE Airport Rd/CR-1700 EIL-104 to North of IL 104 0.593 miles COLUMBUS RDCANNONBALL RD to DUCK HARBOR RD CR-17IL-94 to 1 mile east of IL 94 CR-22IL-96 to CR-4 CR-41CR-7 to IL-96 CR-41N 2850TH AVE to HANCOCK COUNTY LINE CR-6CR-7 to IL-96 CR-7CR-6 to CR-8 CR-7CR-8 to CR-41 CR-7Quincy City Limits to CR-6 CR-8CR-9 to CR-7 CR-9CANTON FERRY to CR-8 E 2500TH STIL-94 to CR-2700 N ELLINGTON RDIL-96 to N 36TH ST KOCHS LNIL-96 to N 36TH ST KOCHS LNN 12TH ST to IL-96 LOCUST STN 28TH ST to N 30TH ST LOCUST STN 30TH ST to N 36TH ST N 18TH STQUINTRON WAY to SEMINARY RD N 30TH STCHESTNUT ST to WISMAN LN N 30TH STKOCHS LN to WEISS LN N 30TH STWISMAN LN to KOCHS LN N 36TH STIL-104 to KATHERINE RD N 36TH STKATHERINE RD to WISMAN LN N 48TH STSTATE ST to IL-104 PAYSON RDS 24TH ST to S 36TH ST RADIO RDW 5TH ST to IL-57 ROCK QUARRY RDIL-104 to To Quarry S 24TH STIL-57 to PAYSON RD S 48TH STIL-96 to STATE ST S 54TH STSTATE ST to IL-104 STATE STS 48TH ST to Mill Creek TURTLE LAKE RD0.194 miles west of IL 57 to IL-57 WEISS LNIL-96 to N 30TH ST WISMAN LNIL-96 to N 30TH ST WISMAN LNN 30TH ST to N 36TH ST WISMAN LNN 36TH ST to COLUMBUS RD

11 The State of Illinois Bridges 26,000 bridges in Illinois over 20-ft. in length (8,000 on state highway system) 2,600 bridges are posted with weight limits (600 on state system – 90 restricted) Bridges inspected every 2 years Shorter bridges are now being inspected

12 Backhauling Intermodal Containers - DDG’s - Weight of containers - Increased truck traffic -Elmwood, Rochelle today -Crete, Jacksonville (?) (2014 - ?) -Farm vehicle usage?

13 Illiana Corridor Final Route Options

14 Route 53 Extension into Lake County

15 Circle Interchange Rebuild

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