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Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements HELPP JISC Project Rose Papworth Charles Papworth Billy Smithers.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements HELPP JISC Project Rose Papworth Charles Papworth Billy Smithers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements HELPP JISC Project Rose Papworth Charles Papworth Billy Smithers

2 Project rationale  JISC e-learning capital programme –HE in FE strand FD work placements:  Facilitate 3-way conversation between learner, employer and tutor  Developing personal reflection via blogs and comments (PDP) –social constructivist perspective  Using an e-portfolio to facilitate widening participation via personalisation

3 Elgg Environment that allows:  Individual and community blogs with comments  Flexible e-portfolio space  Access controls  An online work placement contract developed with HEA funding

4 So far…  One-year HEA mini-project  2006/2007 used with FD Software Design and Development cohort –Students like blogs –Can be difficult to ensure employer engagement –Students and employers like sharing documents via e-portfolio space –Online placement details easier to access

5 …the next two years  A ‘download’ facility to be developed  Want to evaluate use with work placements in art, media and performance subjects  Period 2007/2008  Results of evaluation March 09

6 Technical Requirements  Lifelong learners can download documents to transportable media  Future interoperability  More information needed! –E.g. UK Leap

7 Further info  HEA page: llCollege_MP.htm llCollege_MP.htm  JISC page: es/programme_elearning_capital/el_heinf e/helpp.aspx es/programme_elearning_capital/el_heinf e/helpp.aspx  JISC Project web site:

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