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Welcome to Rufford Class. What time is the session? Morning:Afternoon: 8.45 to 12.30 to 11.45am 3.30pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Rufford Class. What time is the session? Morning:Afternoon: 8.45 to 12.30 to 11.45am 3.30pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Rufford Class


3 What time is the session? Morning:Afternoon: 8.45 to 12.30 to 11.45am 3.30pm

4 Meet the Staff… Miss Mehmet is the Class Teacher. Mrs Gill and Miss Bingham are the Foundation Stage Teaching Assistants. Children in Bramcote and Rufford Class will work together for some activities.

5 What shall I wear? At Kimberley Primary and Nursery School we would like all our children in Nursery to wear full school uniform, which is available to purchase from the school office.

6 Come rain or shine...... and everything in between... The Early Years Foundation Stage is all about learning through play and a big part of this play happens outdoors. We will take our learning outside whatever the weather [very little stops us!], so please make sure your child comes to Nursery with the right kinds of clothes for the right kind of weather to enjoy this aspect of their learning and development. Thanks

7 Your child will need these for outdoor play… (weather dependent!)

8 Please do not wear jewellery

9 Fantasy Friday! On Fridays we invite all of our Foundation Stage children to dress up for the day for ‘Fantasy Friday’. This links closely with the EYFS area of learning known as ‘Expressive Arts and Design’. This is not a non-uniform day, but an opportunity for your child to explore and use their imagination by dressing as a favourite book or film character, for example. We don’t want you going out spending lots on dressing up clothes, a magic wand or a simple mask is enough to get your child to be creative! Your child does not have to dress up in this way on a Friday, as some children prefer to remain in their uniform at school, and this is absolutely fine.

10 Drinks * NO FIZZY DRINKS * Water * We actively encourage children to drink water throughout the session to keep them hydrated. Children can drink water instead of milk at milk time or when they are working in Nursery. * Milk * Please refer to the leaflet Cool Milk for more information about ordering milk for your child.

11 Free Fruit As part of the government scheme to encourage healthy eating, fresh fruit is available for your child to eat everyday during snack time.

12  Book Bags Your child is encouraged to choose a library book each day to bring home and share with you. Please ensure your child’s bag is clearly labelled with their name and check your child’s book bag regularly for the following items… homework paintings/pictures letters/important information party invitations.

13 Allergies…if your child is allergic to ANYTHING, PLEASE let us know ASAP. Thanks

14 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Structure Rufford ( Nursery) and Bramcote class ( Reception) are both part of the EYFS. We have a shared playground and sometimes get together for activities like singing and parachute games. During “free flow”, children from both classes can access both classrooms and the outdoor area, ensuring that they get as many opportunities for choosing their own learning as possible. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is for children aged 3-5 years and has 7 areas of learning which are: – Personal, Social, Emotional Development – Physical Development – Communication & Language – Literacy – Mathematics – Expressive Arts & Design – Understanding the World All areas are planned for according to children’s stages of development and your child will access a lot of their curriculum through play.

15 Work out Wednesdays! We focus on Physical Development during our Work out Wednesdays, so please feel free to dress your child in navy or grey jogging bottoms and slip on plimsolls or trainers for this day.

16 Choosing their own learning: During self-chosen learning times, children will have the opportunity to choose activities such as the ones listed below… Sand and water play Writing table Maths area Play dough/finger gym activities Reading Area Construction Computer Role play Art and craft; model making Outdoor play Small world ICT


18 What will a typical day in Nursery look like? Here are some of the activities your child will be involved in each day… Wake and shake Whole class teaching and small ‘guided’ group work Phonics Daily ‘dollop’ of literacy Daily ‘dollop’ of mathematics Painting/collage/model making Singing Learning nursery rhymes Choosing their own learning both indoors and outdoors It’s a non-stop, fun packed session!

19 ICT In our EYFS curriculum, we learn about technology in our everyday lives. The children have access to the Nursery computer every day during choosing time. They will also have the opportunity to take photographs and use programmable toys.

20 FRIDAY IS OUR BIG WRITE DAY! Every Thursday I will send home some ‘Talk Homework’ based around a theme/topic we will be writing about on Friday. The idea around this talk homework, is that you spend some quality time talking to your child about this theme. There is no need to write anything at this stage, just talking with your child about things they might like to write on Friday is great preparation. Talking is a MUST to encourage super writers, because if a child can’t say it, they can’t write it.

21 Homework in Rufford Class Each week we will send home an activity for you to complete with your child. The homework will link directly to something we are doing in class. Please take the time to complete this activity with your child, as it will help to consolidate work being done at school. Thanks

22 Learning Journeys and WOW Moments! During their time in the Early Years Foundation Stage, each child will have a learning journey. The learning journey will contain observations of your child, photographs and the work they have completed in Nursery. This learning journey then goes with your child into the Reception class, so that by the end of your child’s time in the EYFS, their learning journey will celebrate all that they have achieved over the two years. We also ask that you help us with our observational assessment of your child by completing WOW stars if your child does something amazing! This can be anything from putting their coat on by themselves, to writing their name for the first time! We would love to know about it!

23 Donations To enable us to offer our children a variety of tactile experiences, as well as some baking opportunities, we are asking parents for a £6 donation for the year. This works out at £1 per half term. This donation can be brought in in an envelope in September. Thank you

24 Kimberley Primary and Nursery School Website




28 What will make this a happy start for your child?  Can they go to the toilet on their own?  Are they happy at you leaving them with other people?  Can they put on their own coat/shoes?  Are they happy to tell someone if they are worried or something is upsetting them?

29 Admin and Forms... Birth certificates Contacts – telephone numbers Absences Permission Medical Information Dropping off and collecting arrangements

30 Any questions?

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