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Tweaks for Group Work Joe Kirkham The Redhill Academy.

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1 Tweaks for Group Work Joe Kirkham The Redhill Academy

2 1. Ground Rules

3 The Inspector Wednesday 4 th November Good morning, Year 10! 1.Turn to a fresh page in your book and set it out neatly like this: 2.Think about this question: What are the ground rules we should follow during group work? 3.Discuss with your partner and prepare to share with the group. 30 click here to start timer

4 2. Movement

5 BillieEwanJacobLibbiCharlieJoshMaddyConnor Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 EloiseChloeCaitlinEthanHannahFaithAriyaYasmin MiaEmmaLouisSerenaBillyEllieDominicEllessa Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8 Annette AliLydia Francesca HollyLukeEllaTom One group member stays and teaches. The others will go and learn from the rest of the tables on your row.

6 3. Questioning

7 Questions: 1.List three reasons for Sheila being ‘pleased with life’ at the start of the play. 2.Identify four adverbs in Priestley’s stage directions for Sheila during Act 1. What does each one suggest about Sheila’s personality? 3.How does Sheila show that she has been raised by capitalist parents? Use at least two quotations to support your answer. 4.How does Sheila show that she sympathises with Inspector Goole’s socialist views? Use at least two quotations to support your answer. 5.A student said: “In Act 1, Sheila Birling is presented as the complete opposite of her father. Priestley uses Sheila to show that the younger generation is looking for social change.” To what extent do you agree and why? Use quotations to support your answer. 6.Imagine you are directing your own performance of An Inspector Calls. How would you tell Sheila to act during her dialogue with Gerald at the end of Act 1? Think about: body language, positioning, movement, gestures and tone of voice. Annotate the script in two colours: one to add to the existing stage directions and one to explain your choices. Be creative!


9 4. Competition

10 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Level of understanding: How well do we understand The Inspector?

11 Accountability 5. Accountability




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