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COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Trigger-relevant Summary of Physics Goals by Martin Faessler, Munich Feb 11, 08 Physics Goals (Hadron.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Trigger-relevant Summary of Physics Goals by Martin Faessler, Munich Feb 11, 08 Physics Goals (Hadron."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Trigger-relevant Summary of Physics Goals by Martin Faessler, Munich Feb 11, 08 Physics Goals (Hadron spectroscopy): Search for ■ glueballs and hybrids in ■ central production and diffractive projectile excitation

2 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Key actor: the Pomer(anchuk)on minimal Pomeron more sophisticated Pomeron, gluonic ladder

3 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Production of glueballs X and hybrids A΄ by means of Pomerons Central production by double Pomeron exchange → Diffractive projectile A excitation by single Pomeron exchange →

4 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Rapidity distribution in hadron hadron collisions at very high energy – Feynmans view 1972 rapidity y = ln((E+p z )/m T ) instead of Feynman-x F dn/dy = const (plateau) ←→ dn/dx = const/x

5 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Rapidity distribution in ordinary inelastic interaction ←Hadron A ←Hadron B ← AB inelastic interaction (minimum bias)

6 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Wanted: 2mb Diffractive proj. excitation → (0.01mb DPE) central production Background reactions: 4mb elastic→ 16mb ordinary inelastic→ 2mb diffractive target exitation→

7 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Some useful formulae for diffractive or central production of resonances with given mass M Given M (e.g. M= 2GeV) of resonance decaying into 2 final state particles m 1, m 2 (e.g. ηπ) y beam ≈ ln( 2E beam /m beam ) (e.g. π beam of 190 GeV: y beam = 7.9) Diffractive projectile excitation: y(M) ≈ ln(2E beam /M) = 5.2 Central production y(M) ≈ ln(2ν/M) where ν= E beam –E leading Approximate y - range of decay particles with mass m i : ln(m i /M) < y – y(M) < ln(M/m i ) 2.7 π 1.2 η At our beam energy, the rapidity gaps which separate centrally or diffractively produced particles from the leading p and/or π are not large. This makes life more difficult

8 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Longitudinal laboratory momentum distributions for isotropic decay of a diffractively excited πη resonance of mass M= 1.4 GeV for pion beam momentum 190 GeV (Monte Carlo Ismail Uman)

9 COMPASS Hadron Trigger Meeting Munich Feb.11, 08 Trigger strategies Sofar, goal was To select elastic proton vertex (beam,RPD, beam killer) +To exclude potentially incomplete events (sandwich veto) +To reduce elastic events (elastic veto, multiplicity trigger) Good for diffractive projectile excitation and central production +To enhance central production (forward hodoscope) Need to consider whether and how to select specific states (3π, K + K -, ηη) by trigger (multiplicity trigger, calo trigger?)

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