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CSC 480 Software Engineering PSP Project 1 August 20, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 480 Software Engineering PSP Project 1 August 20, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 480 Software Engineering PSP Project 1 August 20, 2004

2 CSC 480 -- Fall 20042 8/20/2004 Topics Introduction to PSP PSP as in this project – PSP0 PSP Project 1 – the problem

3 CSC 480 -- Fall 20043 8/20/2004 Introduction A software engineer’s job is to  deliver high-quality software products  which provide required functionality  at agreed price, and  schedule Commitments to meet these requirements consistently help to secure a good career

4 CSC 480 -- Fall 20044 8/20/2004 Personal Commitments In development project, software engineers need to  Plan their work  Do their work according to the plan, and  Strive to produce the highest quality products

5 CSC 480 -- Fall 20045 8/20/2004 Personal Software Process PSP is  designed to help software engineers do good work  based on proven methods and best practices PSP provides detailed methods for  Estimating effort and planning work  Tracing performance against plans  Explaining how defined process can help

6 CSC 480 -- Fall 20046 8/20/2004 Discipline & Commitment The discipline of PSP provides a structured framework for developing the personal skills and methods needed to be successful as a software engineer To be committed is a state of mind!

7 CSC 480 -- Fall 20047 8/20/2004 Do You …? When you are given a programming assignment?  Do you make a plan before kicking-off?  Do you do a design before coding?  Do you inspect your code before compiling it?  How do you test your program? With a plan?  Can you estimate code size and time needed?  Do you make similar errors again and again?

8 CSC 480 -- Fall 20048 8/20/2004 PSP As Your Roadmap Why is a map helpful?  Shows the direction you are going  Gives details of the steps to your destination  Helps to answer questions like When can I get there? Are we getting closer to our destination?  Serves as a baseline for different trips

9 CSC 480 -- Fall 20049 8/20/2004 Process & Related Concepts A process is a defined set of activities for doing a job Each step  has specific entry criteria  defines tasks and how they are done  has specific exit criteria Defined processes are typically composed of scripts, forms, templates, and standards

10 CSC 480 -- Fall 200410 8/20/2004 PSP Roadmap PSP0 Process Finished product Development Planning Postmortem Design Code Compile Test Requirements Plan summary Process scripts Time and defect logs

11 CSC 480 -- Fall 200411 8/20/2004 PSP Structure PSP0: establish a measured performance baseline PSP1: make size, resource, and schedule plans PSP2: learn defect and yield management PSP3: scale up PSP methods to larger projects It is a pre-requisite for the TSP.  The PSP can be extended to team development of large-scale software systems.

12 CSC 480 -- Fall 200412 8/20/2004 PSP Structure PSP0 Current process Basic measures PSP1 Size estimating Test report PSP2 Code reviews Design reviews PSP3 Cyclic development Team Software Process Requirements Configuration management Project Process Project management Quality assurance PSP2.1 Design templates PSP1.1 Task planning Schedule planning PSP0.1 Coding standard Process improvement proposal Size measurement PSP components - forms, logs and templates - process scripts - standards - benchmarks

13 CSC 480 -- Fall 200413 8/20/2004 Requirements For Project 1 PSP0 activities are required  Follow steps as shown in the roadmap (slide 10) and the Process script  Planning: Read the problem description Read the Process script and the forms Give a rough guess (don’t spend more than 5 – 10 minutes) on the max and min values for  Program size  Time needed to finish  Number of defects (optional)

14 CSC 480 -- Fall 200414 8/20/2004 Requirements For Project 1  Track time spent working on project Time log  Record defect found with types of defects Defect log and checklist  Record actual size of program in LOC & postmortem Project summary form  Use coding standards Given separately

15 CSC 480 -- Fall 200415 8/20/2004 Examples Time tracking Defect tracking Postmortem and project summary Coding standards  For C++ – as described in handout  For Java – see handout for a simple example. Also see #examples

16 CSC 480 -- Fall 200416 8/20/2004 Line Of Code – A Definition Write your code consistently, and follow coding standards Do not count  Comments  Blank lines A line with both code and comment should count

17 CSC 480 -- Fall 200417 8/20/2004 Example I – LOC = 4 if (xAverage >= 100) size = xAverage; else size = xAverage/2;

18 CSC 480 -- Fall 200418 8/20/2004 Example II – LOC = 12 while (n > 0) { push(n); cout << “Enter a positive integer. \n”; cout << “Enter 0 to stop. \n”; cin >> n; } // read out the stack while (stack_pointer != NULL) { cout.width(8); cout << pop(); }

19 CSC 480 -- Fall 200419 8/20/2004 Deliverables & Grading 50% for a working application  Clean compile and successful executions for given test data  Coding standards (headers, comments, indentation, declaraction) 50% for process  Completed logs and forms  Artifacts (design, source code, and test results)

20 CSC 480 -- Fall 200420 8/20/2004 The Problem Choose from the following two options:  Standard deviation  Caesar cipher (or Monoalphabetic encryption) See the assignment.doc files under course folder for  Problem specification  Deliverables and submission deadline

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