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Chapter Thirteen Integrated Marketing Communications.

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1 Chapter Thirteen Integrated Marketing Communications

2 Objectives bDiscuss the basic purposes of promotion bDefine the major elements of promotion bDescribe a basic model for communication bExplain the communication hierarchy bExplain how the elements of promotion support each other bIdentify general promotional strategies bDiscuss & provide examples of promotional campaigns

3 Promotion Promotion Promotion : Applied marketing communication bPersuad e bRemind bInform

4 Communication Media Interactive MediaPersonal Media Mass Media

5 The Elements of Promotion Personal selling: bPerson-to-person dialogue bPurpose: bTo persuade bMove to action bBuild relationship Personal selling: bPerson-to-person dialogue bPurpose: bTo persuade bMove to action bBuild relationship

6 The Elements of Promotion Advertising bInformative or persuasive message carried by a non- personal medium Advertising bInformative or persuasive message carried by a non- personal medium

7 The Elements of Promotion Publicity: bMessage not paid for by sponsor Public Relations: bManagement of publicity Publicity: bMessage not paid for by sponsor Public Relations: bManagement of publicity

8 The Elements of Promotion Sales Promotion: bInduce buyers to purchase in specific timeframe Sales Promotion: bInduce buyers to purchase in specific timeframe

9 Communication: bExchanging information and conveying meaning to others bGoal: Common understanding

10 Communication Process SourceEncodingMessageChannelDecodingReceiver Feedback NoiseNoise

11 Encoding: process by which the sender translates the idea to be communicated into a message

12 Communication Process Channel: vehicle through which a message is sent Examples: bMagazines bTV bRadio Channel: vehicle through which a message is sent Examples: bMagazines bTV bRadio

13 Decoding: process where receiver interprets the message Communication Process

14 Hierarchy of Communications Effects Brandignorance Awareness Knowledge Liking Liking Preference Conviction Purchase Purchase

15 Relative Importance of Advertising and Personal Selling Pretransaction: bInformation to aid recognition and understanding bInformation to create positive feeling Pretransaction: bInformation to aid recognition and understanding bInformation to create positive feeling Advertising Personalselling

16 Transaction: b Persuasion Transaction: Advertising Personalselling Relative Importance of Advertising and Personal Selling

17 Advertising Personalselling Post-transaction: bReminder and reassurance Post-transaction: bReminder and reassurance Relative Importance of Advertising and Personal Selling

18 Push Strategy Supplier promotes product to intermediaries to PUSH the product through distribution channel Manufacturer Wholesaler ProductflowInformation($) Retailer Retailer ProductflowInformation($) Consumer Consumer ProductflowInformation($)

19 Supplier promotes product to ultimate consumer aiming to stimulate demand and PULL the product through the channel Manufacturer Consumer ConsumerInformation($) Pull Strategy Wholesaler Retailer Retailer ProductflowProductflow Productflow

20 Promotional Campaigns Image building: b Symbolic value bPersonality bLifestyle bCreating impression

21 Promotional Campaigns Product Differentiation: bSet apart from competition bSolving consumer problems bUSP

22 Promotional Campaigns Positioning: bConsumer perception bRelative to competition FastSlow Luxurious Sporty

23 Promotional Campaigns Direct Response: bDirect, measurable response bOrder bInquiry

24 Review bDiscuss the basic purposes of promotion bDefine the major elements of promotion bDescribe a basic model for communication bExplain the communication hierarchy bExplain how the elements of promotion support each other bIdentify general promotional strategies bDiscuss & provide examples of promotional campaigns

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