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L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status URL of this presentation:

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1 L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status URL of this presentation: Hannes Sakulin CERN / EP Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week, Catania, Italy 19 th June, 2001

2 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 2 L1 GMT Simulation Status Outline  MIP/ISO bit assignment  implementation in ORCA  latest results on isolation and MIP confirmation (by N. Amapane, M. Fierro, A. Jeitler, M. Konecki, H. Sakulin)  New DT/CSC cancel-out unit  implementation in ORCA  ghost suppression  Efficiencies and ghosts with ORCA 4.6.0 and code for ORCA 5  Other changes to GMT code  changes to matching logic  change in definition of output quality

3 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 3 Inputs: 8 bit , 6 bit , 5 bit p T, 1 bit charge, 3 bit quality Output: 8 bit , 6 bit , 5 bit p T, 1 bit charge, 3 bit quality, 1 bit MIP, 1 bit Isolation Further Inputs: MIP and Quiet Bits of 252 calorimeter regions Principle of the GMT

4 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 4 MIP/ISO bit assignment principle 1Projection of each input muon (DT, CSC, RPC) from muon system to two reference planes  MIP: Calorimeter (HCAL inner surface)  ISO: Vertex (jet axis is not bent) 2Selection of one or more calorimeter regions  MIP: always one calorimeter region  ISO: any rectangular area of multiple calo regions. select cell size with.orcarc parameters: L1GlobalMuonTrigger:IsolationCellSizePhi (default: 2) L1GlobalMuonTrigger:IsolationCellSizeEta (default: 2) 1x12x13x1… 2x2 (default)  

5 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 5 MIP/ISO bit assignment principle (continued) 3Check quiet-bits of all selected calorimeter regions  ISO-bit is set if all selected regions are quiet 4Merging of MIP/ISO (for matched pairs)  Merging procedure is programmable in hardware always from DT/CSC / always from RPC logical AND logical OR take MIP/ISO from same system as p T  Current default: MIP: logical OR GMT muon is flagged MIP if DT/CSC or RPC had a MIP set ISO: logical AND GMT muon is isolated only if DT/CSC and RPC are isolated

6 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 6 MIP/ISO bit assignment implementation  New Classes  L1MuGMTMipIsoAU (1x barrel, 1x endcap) assigns MIP and ISO to each input muon  L1MuGMTPhiProjectionUnit (16x in each MipIsoAU) projection of  coordinate to calo/vertex and selection of regions in phi  L1MuGMTEtaProjectionUnit (16x in each MipIsoAU) projection of  coordinate to calo/vertex and selection of regions in eta  L1MuGMTPhiLUT (1x) parameterization of  muon,calo (p T ) or  muon,vertex (p T ) functions separately for each system (DT, CSC, RPC) and for different values of   L1MuGMTEtaLUT (1x) parameterization of  muon,calo (p T ) or  muon,vertex (p T ) functions separately for each system (DT, CSC, RPC) and for different values of  L1MuGlobalMuonTrigger L1MuGMTMipIsoAU L1MuGMTPhi- ProjectionUnit L1MuGMTEta- ProjectionUnit L1MuGMTPhiLUTL1MuGMTEtaLUT

7 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 7 MIP/ISO bit assignment parameterization of projection in   Projection of  from muon system to vertex, positive charge DTCSC RPC barrel RPC fwd 1 calo region: 20 deg = 0.35 rad Parameterization currently for CMSIM 121

8 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 8 MIP/ISO bit assignment parameterization of projection in   Projection of  from muon system to vertex (both charges) DTCSC RPC barrel RPC fwd 1 calo region: 0.35 units in  Parameterization currently for CMSIM 121

9 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 9 MIP/ISO bit assignment studies on L1 isolation  L1 isolation algorithms work well at high p T gen (as previously presented by N. Amapane) Plot by N. Amapane (results by N. Amapane, M. Fierro, A. Jeitler, M. Konecki, H. Sakulin)

10 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 10 MIP/ISO bit assignment studies on L1 isolation  L1 isolation algorithms work well at high p T gen  however, due to limited p T resolution, most of L1 rate comes from low-p T muons Differential rate of generated muons contributing to the single muon trigger rate for various pT cuts

11 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 11 MIP/ISO bit assignment studies on MIP confirmation Plot by N. Amapane (results by N. Amapane, M. Fierro, A. Jeitler, M. Konecki, H. Sakulin)  MIP can be used to confirm muons  If the muon p T is measured incorrectly, the confirmation will not work (projection will look in the wrong place in the calorimeter).. incorrectly measured (low-p T -) muons can then be rejected MIP confirmation efficiency p T rec > 25 GeV/c

12 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 12 MIP/ISO bit assignment studies on MIP confirmation Plot by N. Amapane  MIP confirmation can decrease L1 rates by factor 2 while keeping > 90% of efficiency for high p T -muons  Ongoing studies (MIP is not yet available in ORCA HCAL code and has been implemented standalone by N. Amapane) (results by N. Amapane, M. Fierro, A. Jeitler, M. Konecki, H. Sakulin)

13 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 13 New DT/CSC cancel-out unit problem of ghosts in the GMT  Ghosts arise in the GMT if a muon in the overlap region is found by the DT and CSC track finder (because GMT processes barrel and endcaps separately)  Solutions  1. cancel ghosts at track finder level (done up to now) special scheme that requires 1-bit  -information per track segment from CSC to DT CSC  -scale needs to be fine-tuned in order to match barrel/endcap  - boundaries between DT/CSC and inside RPC system (otherwise additional ghosts arise in GMT)  2. cancel ghosts in GMT A) by requiring a match with RPC (done up to now) –removes all ghosts –costs some efficiency, not as robust B) DT/CSC cancel-out unit (new) –higher efficiency –more robust –some ghosts remain (amount depending on cancel-out at track finder level)

14 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 14 New DT/CSC cancel-out unit implementation & configuration  New classL1MuGMTCancelOutUnit  matches & pairs DT and CSC muons  provides cancel decision: programmable in hardware, software set to default: cancel the muon (DT or CSC) which is not matched with an RPC muon if neither the DT nor the CSC muon is matched with an RPC muon  cancel the CSC muon if both the DT and the CSC muon are confirmed by an RPC muon  no cancellation  Changed class L1MuGMTMatcher Same class that matches DT/RPC and CSC/RPC DT/CSC matching included as additional case  Configuration  new.orcarc parameters for DT/CSC matching L1GlobalMuonTrigger:EtaWeight_COU = 0.028 L1GlobalMuonTrigger:PhiWeight_COU = 1.0 L1GlobalMuonTrigger:EtaPhiThreshold_COU = 0.062 L1MuGlobalMuonTrigger L1MuGMTCancelOutUnit L1MuGMTMatcher

15 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 15 Removing ghosts in overlap region tuning the DT/CSC  -boundary to match the RPC system default 1.0001.0251.0501.075  1.035  45678 45678 bin nr. tuned used by DTused by CSC used by DTused by CSC  Why is it important?  If  -boundary between DT/CSC and  -boundary in RPC system are different same muon can be found by DT (GMT barrel part) and by the forward RPC (GMT endcap part) (or the other way round) candidate and will be duplicated by GMT  How is the tuning done?  Boundary in RPC system is fixed at  =1.04  Boundary between DT/CSC can be changed by tuning the  -scale of the CSC track segments (LCTs) bRPC fRPC  =1.04 CSC DT

16 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 16   boundary = 1.025  boundary = 1.030  boundary = 1.035  boundary = 1.040  boundary = DT/CSC RPC GMT (with DT/CSC cancel-out unit) 1.045 Removing ghosts in overlap region tuning the DT/CSC  -boundary to match the RPC system

17 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 17 Removing ghosts in overlap region canceling at track finder & GMT level vs. at GMT level only  CSC TS of 1 bin shared 1.025<|  <1.050 all CSC TS shared cut tracks at  = 1.035 Best solution with cancel-out at track finder level and at GMT level (CSC scale tuned) default for ORCA 5 DT/CSC RPC GMT (with DT/CSC cancel-out unit) Two solutions with cancel-out only at GMT level duplication at track finder level allowed bandwidth slightly decreased lower ghost rate

18 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 18 Efficiencies with ORCA 4.6.0 ghost cancellation at track finder level, AND with RPC in GMT GMT efficiency: 94.81% GMT ghosts: 0.12% RPC efficiency=0.95  100.000 single muons, both charges flat in  : 0 <  < 2  flat in  : -2.4 <  < 2.4 flat in p T : 2.5 GeV/c < p T < 100 GeV/c vertex = interaction point Efficiencies to find muons of any p T

19 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 19 Efficiencies with GMT for ORCA 5 ghost cancellation at track finder level and GMT GMT efficiency: 95.24% GMT ghosts: 0.17% RPC efficiency=0.95... GMT selection to be re- tuned when new MB samples are available (quality>1) Efficiencies to find muons of any p T

20 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 20 Efficiencies with GMT for ORCA 5 ghost cancellation only at GMT GMT efficiency: 95.32% GMT ghosts: 0.15% RPC efficiency=0.95... GMT selection to be re- tuned when new MB samples are available (quality>1) Efficiencies to find muons of any p T

21 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 21 Ghosts with ORCA 4.6.0 ghost cancellation at track finder level, AND with RPC in GMT GMT efficiency: 94.81% GMT ghosts: 0.12% Ghosts of of any p T RPC efficiency=0.95 pT cut of 3 GeV/c will remove RPC ghosts

22 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 22 Ghosts with GMT for ORCA 5 ghost cancellation at track finder level and GMT GMT efficiency: 95.24% GMT ghosts: 0.17% RPC efficiency=0.95 (quality>1) Ghosts of of any p T pT cut of 3 GeV/c will remove RPC ghosts

23 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 23 Ghosts with GMT for ORCA 5 ghost cancellation only at GMT GMT efficiency: 95.32% GMT ghosts: 0.15% RPC efficiency=0.95 (quality>1) Ghosts of of any p T pT cut of 3 GeV/c will remove RPC ghosts

24 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 24 Matching Windows  Matching logic has been updated to reflect hardware resolution   in units of 2.5°, range: 3 bits ( -7.5°    7.5° )   in units of 0.04, range: 4 bits ( -0.028    0.028 )  match quality: 6 bits  weights and thresholds are configurable from.orcarc  default values have been changed matching windows are smaller than before same GMT efficiency less ghosts (with quality > 1) –some pairs break up, but the two resulting unmatched muons are of very low quality

25 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 25 Matching Windows  Orange area indicates minimal size of matching window. Less than 0.05 % of muons are not matched with the smaller windows (except for an additional 0.3% of muons which have an incorrect  assigned by CSC)  / rad  brlfwd COU Bug in CSC code?

26 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 26 Quality codes of GMT muons  Attention: muons with quality code 1 are...  not intended for use in a single muon trigger  the candidates that were previously suppressed by the GMT selection  not included in the ghost and efficiency plots in this presentation

27 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Conclusion  MIP/ISO bit assignment is implemented in GMT  but currently no MIP/fine grain bit implemented in HCAL simulation  L1 isolation problematic due to limited p T -resolution  new DT/CSC cancel-out unit  improves robustness and efficiency, tolerable ghost rate  other software changes  matching windows decreased  Quality codes of GMT muons changed be careful with quality=1 muons  new GMT code for ORCA 5 is in head of repository  can be used for muon analysis

28 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 28 New DT/CSC cancel-out unit  Up to now (Trigger TDR scenario, up to ORCA 4.6.0)  muons found by both the DT and the CSC TF cause ghosts in the GMT (because GMT treats barrel and endcaps separately)  AND-condition with the RPC system is required in the overlap region to remove these ghosts  almost all ghosts in overlap region removed  AND-condition costs some efficiency  With new DT/CSC cancel-out unit (ORCA 5.0.0)  Match & Pair logic compares all DT with all CSC candidates  Programmable Cancel-decision logic Default behavior: –cancel the muon (DT or CSC) which is not matched with an RPC muon –if neither the DT nor the CSC muon is matched with an RPC muon  cancel the CSC muon –if both the DT and the CSC muon are confirmed by an RPC muon  no cancellation  more robust (no AND-condition with RPC)  higher efficiency  most ghosts removed

29 Muon PRS Meeting, CMS Week Catania, Italy, 19 th June 2001 Hannes Sakulin CERN/EP L1 Global Muon Trigger Simulation Status 29 Removing ghosts in overlap region the complete picture  Up to now (Trigger TDR scenario) 1Cancel duplicated tracks at track finder level AND 2tune the DT/CSC  -boundary to match the one in the RPC (optimum  =1.035) AND 3use AND-condition with RPC in GMT  With new DT/CSC cancel-out unit 1Cancel duplicated tracks at track finder level AND 2tune the DT/CSC  -boundary to match the one in the RPC (optimum  =1.035) AND 3use GMT DT/CSC cancel-out unit OR 1allow (some) duplication at the track finder level AND 2use GMT DT/CSC cancel-out unit (works even better but allowing duplication costs some bandwidth as the same candidate is sent to the GMT by DT and CSC track finders)

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