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Computer Concepts Eduardson A. Tacuban, MIT Computer Fundamentals & Generations Lecture 1.

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1 Computer Concepts Eduardson A. Tacuban, MIT Computer Fundamentals & Generations Lecture 1

2 2 Computer  The word ‘Computer’ is derived from the ‘Latin’ word ‘Compute’ means to perform calculations  Computer is a electronic calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical operations at a very fast speed (processing) store data, input/output

3 3  Modern computer is an electronic machine that can:  Accept data/inputs  Store it arithmetically  Process the data logically  Give some results/outputs

4 4 Uses of Computer  Country Defense  Missile System  Atomic Advancement  Research – simulations, computations  Education  Medical Sciences  International network of computers?  Business Applications  Entertainment

5 5 Characteristics of Computer  Speed – 1 hertz = 1 cycle/sec  2 GHz =  Accuracy – GIGO – garbage in garbage out  Data Storage - storage and retrieval of data, it can store and recall any information

6 6 History of Computer Abacus  5000 years ago  Sliding beads on the racks  Top most slide used for ‘units’  Second top used for 10’s  Third top used for 100’s  And so on…

7 7 Blaise Pascal (1623 -1662)  In 1642, Numerical wheel calculator was invented by Blaise Pascal  It consists of series of numbered wheels and dials, from zero to nine  When one unit passes from 9 to 0, one number is added in the next wheel  Only additions and subtractions are performed

8 8 Gottfield Vilhem Van Leibniz (1646-1716)  In 1694  German mathematician made improvements in the machine  Enabled the machine to multiply numbers  Machine worked by using gears and dials

9 9 Herman Hollerith (1860 - 1929)  In 1889  American scientist applied the idea of punch cards  Used for giving computer the input and receiving the output

10 10 George Boole (1815 -1864)  Clarified binary system of algebra  TRUE / FALSE

11 11  1941 – German developed Z3 to design airplanes  1943 – British made Colossus to break the secret codes  1944 – American made Mark I, half as long as foot ball field, 500 miles wiring used

12 12  1945 – John Von made EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the key in this computer  1951 – Remington Rand made 1 st commercially available computer named Universal Automatic Computer

13 13 Generations  Steps of technological differences are called generations Generations of Computers

14 14 First Generation (1945 – 1956)  Vacuum Tubes, glass devices that control and amplify electronic signals  Each computer had a different machine language that tells that how to operate the computer. This made computers difficult to program

15 15  Disadvantages Large in size Unreliable Air-conditioning required Non portable

16 16 Second Generation (1956 – 1963)  Transistors invented  Machine Language is replaced with Assembly Language  COBOL and ForTRAN developed

17 17  Advantages Lesser in size More reliable A bit more portable

18 18  Disadvantages Maintenance Required Air-conditioning required Commercial production was costly

19 19 Third Generation (1964 – 1971)  Integrated Circuits (IC) allowed dozens of transistors to be put on a single chip  Operating systems used

20 20  Advantages Smaller in size Faster Portable Less power required Easier production

21 21  Disadvantages Air-conditioning required Difficult to manufacture IC chips

22 22 Fourth Generation (1971 - Present)  Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundred of components on one chip  In 1980, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) squeezed hundred of thousands of components on one chip

23 23  Disadvantages Only disadvantage is highly difficult technology is required for microprocessors

24 24 Fifth Generation  Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) used  Voice Recognition  Parallel Processing

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