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AUNTIES TRAINING ON ADOLESCENTS COUNSELLING (NKongsamba, Fere Hotel, 16 - 20 April 2007) Organised by: PGCSS-REGA (German-Cameroon Health Programme Strenghtening.

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Presentation on theme: "AUNTIES TRAINING ON ADOLESCENTS COUNSELLING (NKongsamba, Fere Hotel, 16 - 20 April 2007) Organised by: PGCSS-REGA (German-Cameroon Health Programme Strenghtening."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUNTIES TRAINING ON ADOLESCENTS COUNSELLING (NKongsamba, Fere Hotel, 16 - 20 April 2007) Organised by: PGCSS-REGA (German-Cameroon Health Programme Strenghtening of Self Help Groups Component ) With the collaboration of: RENATA (National Network of Aunties Associations)

2 Prayer

3 Admistrative modalities

4 Transport A forfeited amount shall be reimbursed to participants for public transport.

5 Perdiem ExpenditureAmount Perdiem15.000 Lunch 3.000 Coffee-break (1) 1.000 (free) Room 5.000 (2 pers) Diner Rest Drugs/Health care + 7.000x5= 35.000 F + Transport = Free

6 Remember that You have to pay back to your association: 10% (Expenses: travelling cost in emergency situations, purchase of small equipment, etc.)

7 Rules to follow

8 Rules to follow in the hall There is no foolish question Lets allow people to speak No noise when somebody is talking Let’s respect break time Let’s put off our mobile phones

9 Rules to follow in rooms and corridor Lets not make noise especially at late hours Our beds shall be made Lets keep the toilets clean « Mummy put me a plastic for the night » Stealing is not good

10 Expectations from participants

11 Write your main expectation on a card

12 Expectations

13 Objectives of the workshop Develop Aunties capacity in the domain of adolescents counselling and prevention of sexual violence Exchange experiences amongst Aunties from different Associations Revise our attitude towards adolescents and to better understand and consider them

14 Presentation Each person presents his/her neighbour Names Town/Locality Occupation What she likes What she doesn’t like

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