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 To begin planning consider:  The learning activity  The learning environment  How to get learner feedback  How the learning will be applied.

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2  To begin planning consider:  The learning activity  The learning environment  How to get learner feedback  How the learning will be applied

3  The Learning Activity  Visual  Good for lots of data  Effective for most good students  Can create handouts for future reference  Auditory  Excellent for memorizing if combined with music  Easy to create mood  Can be recorded for future reference  Active  Creates participation  Stylized movements help memory  Encourages students who struggle  Creates easy bridge to application

4  The Learning Environment  Physical comfort  If uncomfortable, more breaks needed  More review may be needed  May suggest more active learning  Technology  Is technology easily available  Are there students who struggle with technology  Is learning of this subject enhanced by use of technology  Grouping  Is it possible to set up interactive group geometry  Can the presenter physically work within the group  Can the setup discourage people for moving away from the group

5  Participants’ Response  Informal checks  Are participants paying attention?  Is the body language showing they are engaged?  Can people respond accurately to questions?  Are students interactive with the teacher?  Formal Response  Small group discussions  Question completion  List responses  Polls  Rating aspects of the classes

6  Application of Learning  Application planning  Long, detailed plan  Short description of plan  Application practice  Short practice in a group  Formal lesson practice  Application enthusiasm  Discuss interesting ideas with a group  Set up ways to share successes after training

7  Adult Learning Hallmarks  Expect the learning to be relevant  Judge content against their beliefs and experience  Can act as a support for the facilitator  Actively participate to solve problems  Prefer collaboration  In planning  In class delivery

8  Questions for Choosing a Teaching Method  Is the information complex?  Will it require a worldview change?  How much participation will be needed?  How many activities will support this method?  Do I have time to present everything I planned?  Do I have time to prepare using this method?  Do I have access to the equipment I need?

9  Introducing the Lesson  Set objective  Pretest  Describe the lesson  Answer questions  Watch for frustration while participants begin

10  Apply Adult Learning Principles  Focus on real problems  Use collaboration  Use the members as resources

11  Priorities During the Lesson  Expect some frustration  Be prepared to support those who struggle  Avoid any one participant dominating the group  Stay in your role as facilitator  Use time wisely  Watch when to change activity

12  Analyzing the Learning  Give time to process learning  Allow most involved learners to share first  Ask for logical and emotional feedback  Record the feedback  Flip chart  Electronic technology  Apply to real-life situations  Ask for feedback on the lesson structure

13  General Suggestions  Warm-up activities  Pre-reading  Available notes  Processing breaks  Multisensory choices for response  Structured closure  Follow-up sharing

14  Specific Suggestions  Lecture  Demonstration  Videos  Discussion  Questionnaires  Experts panel  Case study  Inbox of work for each student  Games  Drawing / Writing / Singing  Create-a-lesson  Social media discussion

15 Special Thanks: nt_Downloads/Master_Guide/Advanced%20Pat hfinder%20Leadership%20Award.pdf

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