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Essential Question What were the major problems in the church that the Reformation tried to fix?

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2 Essential Question What were the major problems in the church that the Reformation tried to fix?

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5 The Beginning: Reading led people to realize the church might not know everything. The behavior of some priests during the Black Death gave people doubt. Humanism led to new ideas about the importance of every individual. Wait a minute… This says I shouldn’t murder people! I’ll tell you what, why don’t you just go ahead and bless yourselves?

6 Christianity

7 ChristianiTree The Christian Church Bible Catholic Protestant Jesus Christ Heaven Baptism Salvation Greek Orthodox

8 Part I: Problems in the church

9 Problem 1: Teachings

10 Teachings The church often seemed to be going against it’s own teachings. (Crusades) What was worse though was that they were enforcing teachings that many people saw as pointless. For example, all Church activities were to be done in Latin only, even if people didn’t understand it!

11 Problem 2: Behavior

12 Power! The church wanted to force everyone to follow them. The church in Spain kicked all non- Christians out of the country completely (and took their stuff!) They then set up the Inquisition to make the church even stronger. They used torture and threats of death to keep people in line.

13 The Inquisition The Inquisition was a court for religious crimes. They said they were trying to “save” people from going against the church. Really, they just wanted to hold power.

14 People were tortured until they gave in and changed their mind. If they would not give in they could be burned at the stake. This was all in the name of God.

15 Problem 3: Money

16 Money Problems Pope Leo X spent tons of the church’s money on his own entertainment. Donations from people was not enough to keep him happy. They came up with new ways to make money from the people like letting people pay to become priests. So, what? I don’t know what this says but I’m sure it’s important!

17 Indulgences Indulgences were passes to shorten the time spent in purgatory before Heaven. You could buy them before you sinned or even for people who already died. Basically they were selling tickets to Heaven. So, what? Heaven? No problem! That’ll be 5 dollars.

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