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Announcements Voucher Plans Today Privatizing Public Schools Thursday Charter Schools Next Week Please put your group number on reflections and project.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Voucher Plans Today Privatizing Public Schools Thursday Charter Schools Next Week Please put your group number on reflections and project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Voucher Plans Today Privatizing Public Schools Thursday Charter Schools Next Week Please put your group number on reflections and project plams--easier to sort for grading


3 Topic 8: Radical Educational Initiatives Reforms since 1983, inspired by A Nation at Risk: –Professionalize Teaching, – Improve Curriculum, –Raise Standards Radical Departures: -- Voucher Plans -- Privatizing Public Schools Previous Private Business Influences on Public Schooling --Advertising: Channel 1, Pencils, Book Covers -- “Kick-Backs:” Coke machines on campus --For Profit Schools, such as Edison Schools

4 The Voucher Proposal (Chubb & Moe, Politics, Markets and America’s Schools; (also Freidman’s Wall Street Editorial) Examples : – Pres. G. H. W. Bush’s 1991 proposal - California's 1994 and 2000 ballot initiatives, –Pres G. W. Bush's 2001, 2006, 2007 proposals

5 Essential Features of Voucher Plans Schools would apply for a contract with the State, then operate according to market principles Allow parents to choose schools, within a district, out of a district, public or private (instead of the present norm: attend neighborhood school) Authorize a voucher (@ $2500) to parents to “spend” on the school of their choice Since voucher schools are private, they do not have to: –Conform to federal an state academic standards –Conform to special education rules and regulations –Provide workmans’ comp, retirement to educators

6 The (Business-oriented) Rationale for Voucher Plans Schools are failing --the situation is so bad that no reform will do --must have radical restructuring States Have Monopoly Over Education: --schools are of uneven quality; --parents are forced to stay in inferior schools by virtue of where they live; Schools Need Competition: if parents “vote with their feet,” then schools will either improve or close

7 Philosophical Problems I See with Voucher Plans It is undemocratic; --it will lead to balkanization, a segregation of groups by interests, religions, ethnic groups; --since religious schools will receive state funds, the separation of church-state issue is raised

8 Political Problems I see... Is education a “commodity” to be bought and sold to the highest bidder? Or is it a “public good,” to which all citizens contribute over and above their self interest? (I conclude education is a ‘public good.’ This conception is fundamental to a democracy)

9 Economic Problems I see... The Costs of Educating Students It costs SDCS about $6000 to educate the “average student.” It costs @ $15,000 for a special needs student. A voucher = $2500. Where does the rest of the money come from? This disparity gives the wealthy an unfair advantage in the marketplace;

10 More Economic Problems... Who will build and run schools for the “expensive” students? The cost to public schools of kids already in private schools Rational Actor Assumptions: –will people be informed sufficiently to make rational choices? –Or, is the system stacked toward those with more “cultural capital?”

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