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Facilitators Richard Claytor Oscar P. Grant, PhD TATC Consulting, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitators Richard Claytor Oscar P. Grant, PhD TATC Consulting, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitators Richard Claytor Oscar P. Grant, PhD TATC Consulting, Inc.

2 Meeting the challenge of effectively recruiting and serving older out-of-school youth, with emphasis on serving youth with:  Special needs and disabilities  Criminal justice issues  Low basic skills  Fatherhood/child care challenges  Financial literacy challenges

3 WHERE ARE THEY IN YOUR PROGRAM? ARE THEY INCLUDED IN YOUR RECRUITMENT PLAN?  The Boys and Girls Club  Community Based Organizations  Parks and Recreation  YMCA & YWCA  United Way  Hospitals/Trauma Care Please add additional locations for recruitment

4 AVAILABLE AND WILLING NEED AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXCEL IN THE WORKFORCE  Activity  Describe where you can promote and recruit your program’s objectives in the community to attract this population.  Is the work experience you offer applicable for these older out –of- school youth?  What opportunities can your program offer these youth?

5  Gainful Work Experience reduces recidivism  Juvenile Court  Probation Department  Local Law Enforcement  Charter Schools  Guidance Counselors  Churches/Faith Based  Parks  Neighborhood Hot Spots

6 FATHERHOOD AND CHILDCARE RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES Does your program include referrals for childcare? If not, why not? When recruiting this population, how do you express the importance of the work experience you are offering them?

7 Fatherhood Fatherhood ACTIVITY Why is it important to recruit young men who are fathers in your program/ Where are they in your community? Has your staff been trained in how to approach this population for entry in your program? Which agencies in the community currently provide services for this population?


9  Before you begin to recruit this population - how does your agency define “LOW BASIC SKILLS”  Who in the community currently serves this population?  Are you using referrals as your main source of “recruitment” for this population?  What impact does this population have on the workforce if recruited/if not recruited?

10 In all recruitment phases youth must be involved in the process.

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