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Check in: Trade writer’s notebooks with someone at your table and read each others’ 6 weeks writing projects. Write at least 2 comments in the margins!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Check in: Trade writer’s notebooks with someone at your table and read each others’ 6 weeks writing projects. Write at least 2 comments in the margins!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Check in: Trade writer’s notebooks with someone at your table and read each others’ 6 weeks writing projects. Write at least 2 comments in the margins!!!

2 1.Be Verb quiz 2.Helping/Linking Verbs notes and song watch?v=-F2JWKY63K0 1.Scoring Guide and typing your assignment.

3 Reading Lab, Monday November 15 1.Check in: Silent read 2.Library and new spelling words. 3.Otzi the Iceman

4 Thursday, November 18 Check in: In your writer’s notebook, without looking at the song sheet, write down as many of the helping/linking verbs as you can. Helping/Linking verb quizzes on Friday!!!

5 Thursday, November 18 1.When you’ve finished typing your paper, share it with at least 2 people, so they can give you some suggestions. 2.Make changes to your writing according to the suggestions. 3.Read and comment on two other students writing. 4.Work on the Brian Boyle article

6 Check in: Silent read Spelling: sort your words once and write them in your word study journals. Otzi the Iceman: Finish writing your theory and type it up. Read aloud The Hunger Games

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