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Strictly for the Birds! Unit Plan by Lucille Dunne.

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Presentation on theme: "Strictly for the Birds! Unit Plan by Lucille Dunne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strictly for the Birds! Unit Plan by Lucille Dunne

2 Focus Question Do we need birds?

3 In order to answer these questions we need to investigate: What are the characteristics of birds? What enables birds to fly? How do birds reproduce? What are the identifying features of birds? How are birds adapted to their environment? suggested references

4 Task 1 Brainstorm existing knowledge and experience in groups. Task 2 PowerPoint presentation: Design a presentation that attempts to answer the question: Why is a bird a bird? by looking at the characteristics, adaptations and diversity of birds and finally making a decision on how birds affect peoples lives. Task 1 Instructions Task 2 Assessment Rubric example of a presentation

5 Task 3 Design a website – Garden Birds Identify all the birds that you see in your garden. Identify 3 different times of the day. Over a period of a week record what birds you see at these different times and how many. Design a web page that illustrates your findings. Task 3 Assessment Rubric

6 Task 4 Planning a newsletter – Strictly about Birds Task 5 Publishing the newsletter – Strictly about Birds Task 4 – Instructions / Storyboard Task 5 Assessment Rubric example of a newsletter

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