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Vocabulary Unit 3B. Marauder (n.) a raider, plunderer.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 3B. Marauder (n.) a raider, plunderer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 3B

2 Marauder (n.) a raider, plunderer

3 Sentence In cowboy films marauders are often shown as men with bandanas over their faces.

4 Obesity (n.) excessive fatness

5 Sentence Obesity is considered the biggest cause of heart disease in the United States.

6 Pauper (n.) an extremely poor person

7 Sentence In the Prince and the Pauper a poor young man from the streets looked amazingly like the Prince.

8 Pilfer (v.) to steal in small quantities

9 Sentence Mr. Smith did not think that his company would notice his pilfering, but over time the small amounts of money added to a noticeable figure.

10 Rift (n.) a split, break, breach Usually refers to a relationship

11 Sentence My friend was afraid that if the rift between her parents wasn’t healed, her parents would get a divorce.

12 Semblance (n.) a likeness, an outward appearance A semblance of _____________

13 Sentence Despite his grief during his wife’s funeral, he maintained a semblance of calm throughout the service.

14 Surmount (v.) to overcome, rise above Usually to rise above a difficulty

15 Sentence Sometimes the heroes we value the most are those that had to surmount many obstacles in their past to get where they are today.

16 Terminate (v.) to bring to an end Hint: remember the Terminator who brought the bad guy to an end

17 Sentence In this economy many jobs have been terminated.

18 Trite (adj.) commonplace, overused, stale

19 Sentence The other day my daughter had to explain the meaning of several trite expressions. Her explanation of “don’t cry over spilt milk” was very funny.

20 Usurp (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right To take power that doesn’t belong to you

21 Sentence In some countries power is transferred by usurping the position rather than in a democratic election.

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