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September 11 th, 2001 A Day America Will Never Forget.

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1 September 11 th, 2001 A Day America Will Never Forget.

2 Why Study 9/11? It is the largest act of domestic terrorism in U.S history. It was the justification for both the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. It resulted in laws limiting the freedoms of American citizens.

3 Why Study 9/11? Continued It has forever changed the way Americans travel. The attacks largely brought out the best and in some cases the worst in Americans.

4 The World Trade Center Each tower had 110 floors Each floor was roughly an acre in size. The North Tower was 1,368 feet high. It had a TV antenna that was 360 feet. The South Tower was 1,362 feet. Over 500 companies had offices in the complex.

5 First Plane Strikes the North Tower At 8:46 a.m. Flight 11 crashed in floors 93-99 of the North Tower. At 8:50 a.m. President George W. Bush is informed that a plane hit the WTC. He is speaking to a group of elementary school students in Sarasota, Florida. At this point the crash is believed to be an accident.

6 The Second Tower is Struck 8:55 a.m. South Tower tenants are instructed to stay in the building. 9:02 a.m. The South Tower is ordered evacuated. An estimated 10,000- 14,000 people are evacuating the WTC. 9:03 a.m. Flight 175 crashes into floors 77-85 of the South Tower.

7 Fall of the Towers 9:59 a.m. after burning for 56 minutes the South Tower collapses in 10 seconds. 600 workers and first responders died 10:28 a.m. the North Tower collapses killing approximately 1.400 people in the tower and the surrounding area.

8 “ Ground Zero ”

9 Pentagon Attack United States Pentagon Pentagon shortly after flight 77 crashes at 9:37 a.m. on 9/11 The crash killed all 59 passengers and 125 military and civilian personnel in the pentagon.

10 Flight 93 9:57 a.m. The passengers and crew of United 93 had been able to alert loved ones that their plane was hijacked. When passengers attempted to retake control of the plane the hijackers crashed it into a field in Somerset County, Pa.

11 Most of those killed on 9/11

12 NYFD 343 New York City Firefighters died saving the lives of others during 9/11. Those that survived suffered high rates of cancer and other diseases because of inhaling toxic dust at “ Ground Zero ”. To this day many Firefighters and other survivors of 9/11 are haunted by post traumatic stress disorder.

13 Building the New World Trade Center

14 14 Freedom Tower One World Trade Center Waterfront view

15 The New World Trade Center Will include four buildings. 1 World Trade Center (Formerly called the Freedom Tower) will be the tallest. The building will be 105 floors and exactly as tall as old WTC. 1 World Trade will have a beacon on top that will take it to 1776 feet making it larger than the old building.

16 The New World Trade Center 1 World Trade will have approximately 2.6 million square feet of office space. In addition to the four skyscrapers being built, the site will also include a memorial museum for the victims of 9/11. The project is expected to be finished in early 2014 and cost over $4 billion dollars.

17 The new World Trade Tower 17

18 MOMENT OF SILENCE 9/11/15 @ 9:11 am 18

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