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Word Bank for PT WS Ridges trenches (slide past) deconstruction Earthquakes boundary magma constructive Divergent convergent transform less more Crust.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Bank for PT WS Ridges trenches (slide past) deconstruction Earthquakes boundary magma constructive Divergent convergent transform less more Crust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Bank for PT WS Ridges trenches (slide past) deconstruction Earthquakes boundary magma constructive Divergent convergent transform less more Crust (more dense) (Mid Ocean Ridge) Rocks plates moving asthenosphere

2 Ocean Bathymetry Topography of the ocean floor

3 Bathymetry Bathymetry is the study of underwater depth of lake or ocean floors.

4 Video nger-deep-video.htm

5 Main Regions Continental Margins – drowned edges of the continents Deep-ocean Basins – the ocean floor that lies deeper than 2000 m Mid-ocean Ridges – a continuous underwater mountain range that winds its way through all the oceans

6 Video -pvAzNJI&feature=related ons/02fire/logs/magicmountain/welcom e.html

7 Continental Margins From the land: Continental shelf – almost flat, gradual slope seaward at the edges of the continents; covered with sediments from the land Continental slope – steeper slope seaward; contains submarine canyons Continental rise – shallower slope composed of sediments that have fallen from slope.

8 Continental Margin

9 Deep-Ocean Basins Lie beyond the continental margins and contain: Abyssal plains – very flat areas at depths of 3-5 km Seamounts – underwater volcanoes, some > 1000 m high Deep-sea trenches – steep-sided, long, narrow depressions. Deepest regions on earth; found near continental margins

10 Deep-Ocean Basins

11 Mid-Ocean Ridges Underwater mountain ranges that are the longest on earth Occupy 1/3 of the ocean floor Not all are “mid-ocean” Contain rift valleys at the summits as well as many fracture zones, where rocks have cracked and slid past one another

12 Mid-Ocean Ridges

13 Video on Ridges /lesson02.html

14 Mid-Ocean Ridge Locations



17 Which coast has the wider shelf?

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