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Today’s Schedule Unit 7: Ecology Vocabulary Opinion Time Idioms Word Pretest Analogies Scanning Review Articles Homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Schedule Unit 7: Ecology Vocabulary Opinion Time Idioms Word Pretest Analogies Scanning Review Articles Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Schedule Unit 7: Ecology Vocabulary Opinion Time Idioms Word Pretest Analogies Scanning Review Articles Homework

2 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 What is Ecology? Please write these definitions on p. 99 ecology: a branch of biology, dealing with the interactions between organisms and their environment. biology: the science of life and living things. ecosystem: a community of species who live and function together in the same environment. global warming: gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphere caused by increased levels of pollutants.

3 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Practicing different forms of the word Someone who studies ecology is called an __________. (ecologist) The tsunami in Japan brought about an ___________ disaster. (ecological)

4 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Pollution: how can we keep our human way of life safe for the earth? Endangered species: how can we protect nearly-extinct animals? Global warming: is the climate really changing? Value of humans: is human life special and unique? Some controversial issues surrounding ecology…

5 Opinion Time… Is human life more valuable than other life? Imagine you live in a village on a small island; one of the only foods available is fish. That type of fish is endangered. What do you do? Save the fish and move the people to another place, or keep the people there and let the fish die out?

6 Free Powerpoint Templates Idioms: Perseverance, p. 100 1.give up 2.go through with 3.hang in there 4.stick with 5.sweat it out

7 Word Pretest, p. 94 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10. B

8 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Scanning Review We have spent some class time reviewing the skill of Skimming. Let’s add a review of the Scanning skill. Please take some notes.

9 Reading Skill: Scanning What is scanning? - Scanning is looking for the exact answer to a specific question. What is the difference between skimming and scanning? - Skimming looks for the general idea while scanning looks for one thing in particular. - A key word for skimming is “general”, and a key word for scanning is “specific.”

10 Reading Skill: Scanning How to scan: - Let your eyes run rapidly over several lines at a time, looking for a specific fact or idea. When you are scanning a text with questions, you read the questions first and then scan the text for the answers, using key words.

11 Scanning Exercise You will see a question with choices, and a small part of text. Scan the text as fast as you can to find the answer, and write down the letter of the answer. Do not call out the answer! You will not have a long time to find the answer before the screen goes blank!

12 Question: If you want to see exotic plants and animals, you can go to: A. Sung Dynasty Village B. Botanical Gardens C. Repulse Bay Taking us further back in time, the Sung Dynasty Village recreates the Chinese era from AD 960 to 1279. Beautifully constructed shops and houses, intricate costumes, typical wares and skilled craftsmen bring the past to life. The beaches of Repulse Bay are where sun worshippers and water sports reign. The Botanical Gardens have exotic plants and animals. This is Hong Kong; and it’s only the beginning.

13 Question: Boston’s population is described as: A. American and EuropeanB. cozier than most cities C. young and diverse For all its historical associations, Boston is a city of youth and vitality and many of the city’s businesses and courtesies satisfy the young and diverse population. Boston has a cozier feel to it than most American cities, and something of a European flavor. Within a small area you can stroll through 18 th century cobbled streets, or on the Common where the colonists grazed their cattle.

14 Question: Gourmets’ dreams come true in: A. the food stores B. Hong KongC. the candy shop Like a child in a candy shop, the food lover in Hong Kong has little chance of knowing where to begin. There are about 6000 restaurants – one for every craving. In Hong Kong, gourmets and those with an enthusiastic passion for food in all its glory see their dreams come true. You won’t make it to every restaurant, but you’ll have an unforgettable time trying.

15 Analogies (p. 102) 7. hammer: carpenter What is the relationship between a hammer and a carpenter? - tool and worker who uses it Which set of words has the same relationship? D. knife: butcher

16 Analogies (p. 102) 8. embrace: affection What is the relationship between an embrace and affection? - action and its displayed emotion Which set of words has the same relationship? C. frown: displeasure

17 Article Reading  We want to read different positions on the subject of global warming.  First, we will read the one about China and the U.S.  As you read, write down 3 vocabulary words and when you finish, see if your partner can define them.

18 Article Response  What would the melting of the Tibetan plateau lead to?  more desert, droughts and sandstorms  What does the article suggest for power plants?  coal-fired plants with advanced technologies to store the pollution underground  How is pollution related to global warming?  carbon dioxide and other pollutants heat the atmosphere

19 Article Reading  Now, let’s read “The One Minute Case Against Global Warming Alarmism”  Here is some vocabulary for this article: - alarmism (title): exaggerating a danger and creating needless worry or panic - flux (5): continuous change - futile (29): not producing useful results - snowball effect (33): growing influence of one thing leading to another

20 Article Response  Is this article specifically against global warming?  no, it is against the idea of causing panic  What are the benefits of global warming the article mentions?  increased biomass production and biodiversity  more land for living - more resources, shipping  How does the author suggest we use our resources?  create new technology allowing us to make the best of the changing climate

21 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 21 Homework Use the idioms on page 100, and write a new sentence for each one.

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