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Rawan Jamal Mrs.Timm 12A March 10, 2013. Introduction ₪ Health effects of smoking - Cancer - Heart disease - Emphysema, etc. ₪ Thesis statement ₪ Statistic.

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Presentation on theme: "Rawan Jamal Mrs.Timm 12A March 10, 2013. Introduction ₪ Health effects of smoking - Cancer - Heart disease - Emphysema, etc. ₪ Thesis statement ₪ Statistic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rawan Jamal Mrs.Timm 12A March 10, 2013

2 Introduction ₪ Health effects of smoking - Cancer - Heart disease - Emphysema, etc. ₪ Thesis statement ₪ Statistic

3 History ₪ When did smoking grow? ₪ Who smoked it? ₪ Health warnings

4 Health Effects ₪ Cancer ₪ Heart disease ₪ Emphysema ₪ Physical health problems

5 Cancer ₪ Lung cancer ₪ Breast cancer ₪ All sorts of cancer

6 Gum disease ₪ Definition ₪ Causes ₪ Types of gum disease - gingivitis - periodontal

7 Quitting Strategies ₪ Adult campaigns ₪ Social Marketing

8 Side effects of nicotine withdrawal ₪ Weight gain ₪ Anxiety ₪ Craving for nicotine ₪ Anger ₪ Difficulty in concentrating

9 Secondhand Smoke ₪ Sidestream smoke ₪ Mainstream smoke ₪ Solution

10 Smoking Odors ₪ Long lasting ₪ Does not cause cancer

11 Teenagers and Smoking ₪ Peer pressure ₪ Role models ₪ Advertisements ₪ Stress

12 Peer pressure and role models ₪ Influence - Negative - Positive

13 Conclusion ₪ Summary

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15 "Smokers 'More Likely to Get Breast Cancer';...and the Risk Remains High Even 20 Years after Quitting." Daily Mail (London) 2 Mar. 2011: 18. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Snell, Clete. Peddling Poison: The Tobacco Industry and Kids. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Wachter, Kerri. "Hostility May Play Role in Nicotine Addiction." Clinical Psychiatry News Dec. 2004: 36. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Wagner, Eric F., and Holly B. Waldron, eds. Innovations in Adolescent Substance Abuse Interventions. New York: Pergamon, 2001. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Yates, Steven. "Why the War on Smoking Will Fail." Ideas on Liberty July 2000: 10+. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Yazici, Hikmet. "Personality, Depressive Symptoms and Smoking Status among Turkish University Students." Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 36.6 (2008): 799+. Questia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.

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