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☺. Lesson 10 Practice sheet 10.A 1. CAT LIKE EAT BIRD? Do cats like to eat birds?

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Presentation on theme: "☺. Lesson 10 Practice sheet 10.A 1. CAT LIKE EAT BIRD? Do cats like to eat birds?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 10 Practice sheet 10.A

3 1. CAT LIKE EAT BIRD? Do cats like to eat birds?

4 2. WHAT-KIND BOOK YOU LIKE READ? What type of books do you enjoy reading?

5 3. FISH LIKE EAT BUG? Do fish like to eat bugs?

6 4. MILK, WHERE FROM, HOW GET? How and/or where do we get milk? [Answer: the store or a cow]

7 5. NAME SOMETHING DOG CHASE. What do dogs like to chase?

8 6. YOU PAST TAKE A-S-L CLASS YOU? Have you ever taken an ASL class?

9 7. YOU KNOW TEACHER WIFE/HUSBAND NAME? Do you know the teacher's wife's/husband's-(choose appropriate) name?

10 8. HAVE PET YOU? (if so) NAME? Do you have a pet? What is its name?

11 9. SOME CAT LIKE WATER? Do some cats like water? [Note: Some like swim in it. All like to drink it.]

12 10. YOU WANT HORSE YOU? Do you want a horse?

13 Practice sheet 10.B

14 1. YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD? Do you look like your father?

15 2. WHICH YOU PREFER, READ O-R TV WATCH- (casual)? Which would you rather do, read or watch TV?

16 3. COOK CLASS, YOU PAST TAKE? Have you ever taken a cooking class?

17 4. TIME YOU GO ASL CLASS? (wh-q) What time to you go to your ASL class?

18 5. BIRD LIKE EAT FISH? Do birds like to eat fish? [Some do--pelicans for example.]

19 6. HORSE LIKE EAT FISH? Do horses like to eat fish?

20 7. YOUR BEDROOM UPSTAIRS? Is your bedroom upstairs?

21 8. TELL-(to-me) HOW YOU FEEL. Tell me how you feel.

22 9. YOU THINK COW GOOD PET? Do you think a cow would make a good pet?

23 10. YOUR FAVORITE BOOK NAME? What is your favorite book?

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