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Birds Part II WILDLIFE NATURAL LEC 03 HISTORY & INDENTIFICATION University of Rio Grande Donald P. Althoff, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds Part II WILDLIFE NATURAL LEC 03 HISTORY & INDENTIFICATION University of Rio Grande Donald P. Althoff, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds Part II WILDLIFE NATURAL LEC 03 HISTORY & INDENTIFICATION University of Rio Grande Donald P. Althoff, Ph.D.

2 Foraging & Feeding Categories ___________ – species that focuses on capturing and eating insects, spiders, mites, ticks, etc. Many are _____________ (they go for insects) Many species that may be “something else” later on start out on insects—especially caterpillars Why bugs? 20-50% _______ content

3 Foraging & Feeding Categories…con’t _____________ – species that focuses on eating grasses, forbs/herb (i.e., what many might consider weeds) Many are short-term “__________”… Switch plants when other staples are scarce Why few eat plant material? <10-15% _______ content and difficult to digest

4 Foraging & Feeding Categories..con’t ______________ – species that eat fish captured by “diving”…either from the air or on the water Why few eat fish? <20% ______ content

5 Foraging & Feeding Categories..con’t ______________ – species that eat seeds all known as “seed-eaters” Why few eat seeds? easy to “________” easy to ______________________________ usually available year-round

6 Foraging & Feeding Categories..con’t Granivores – most have “stretchy” ______ (to store seeds to minimize timing foraging) and well- developed _________ (to grind up the harder outer shell)

7 Habitats (Species Habitat Associations ) ________________ Habitats – some or mostly having a water component. Ponds, lakes, marshes, bogs, swamps, seas, oceans __________ Habitats – trees dominant vegetation type. Hardwood forest, conifer forest, boreal forest. Early growth forest, mid-aged forest, climax/old-growth forest ________________ – grasses dominant type of vegetation. Often invigorated by period fire/burns. Short, mixed, and tallgrass prairies _________________ – dominant vegetation form is shrub or mixed of forbs and shrubs

8 (Habitats) / Species Habitat Associations Waterbirds– waterfowl, shorebirds, sea birds, cranes, herons, loons, etc. Forest __________ – woodpeckers, most warblers, ovenbird, ruffed grouse, barred owl, etc. Grassland _________ – grasshopper sparrow, burrowing owl, ring-necked pheasant, bobolink Shrubland/Oldfield ___________ – dickcissel, woodcock, loggerhead shrike NOTE: often, “obligate-habitat” species will either __________________ use other habitat types

9 __________ Cavity Nesters Excavate their own “nesting” cavities Can “excavate” in trees (live or dead) or into soil Belted kingfisher Red-cockaded woodpecker (cut-away view)

10 _______________ Cavity Nesters Re-use someone else’s cavities Can use those in trees (live or dead) or into soil E. bluebird Wood duck

11 Secondary Cavity Nesters..con’t Creation of cavities (i.e., nest boxes), when used, indicates that there is a “___________________”. Thus, great interest in getting the public involved in building, installing, and monitoring boxes Kestrel Project Rio + Hocking

12 ________ do they nest? How many _______ to they lay? Are they _____________________________ layers? Do they have synchronous or asynchronous hatch? Are the young born ___________________ ? At what age do they ___________________? How _______ do they live? What are the major causes of ___________? Natural History of Birds

13 Territory Establishment Nest building Egg laying 4e, 4-5 d Incubation 12-14 d Altricial chicks 10-14 d Fledge MAYJUNEJULYAUG Breeding Chronology E. Meadowlarks 1 2 3 Usually only 1-brood

14 Territory Establishment Nest building Egg laying 4e, 4-5 d Incubation 12-14 d Altricial chicks 10-14 d Fledge MAYJUNEJULYAUG Breeding Chronology Grasshopper Sparrow 1 2 3 Usually tries for 2-broods Egg laying Incubation Altricial chicks Fledge 4

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