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1 Evaluation and Accountability of a Government Funded Program: Targeted Capacity Expansion Using Government Performance And Results Act Core Client Outcome.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Evaluation and Accountability of a Government Funded Program: Targeted Capacity Expansion Using Government Performance And Results Act Core Client Outcome."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Evaluation and Accountability of a Government Funded Program: Targeted Capacity Expansion Using Government Performance And Results Act Core Client Outcome Measures Web-Based Data Entry System Center for Substance Abuse Treatment U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ACS Federal Healthcare, Inc./Birch & Davis

3 2 What is the CSAT GPRA Tool?  The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) GPRA tool is a set of items that allows CSAT to respond to the legislation.  The items have been identified from widely used data collection instruments  Addiction Severity Index (ASI)  McKinney Homeless Program reporting system

4 3 GPRA Tool Sections  Section A: Record Management  Section B: Drug and Alcohol Use  Section C: Family and Living Conditions  Section D: Education, Employment, and Income  Section E: Crime and Criminal Justice Status  Section F: Mental and Physical Health Problems and Treatment  Section H: Demographics (asked only at intake)  Section I: Follow-up Status  Section J: Discharge Status

5 4 How Is the CSAT GPRA Tool Used?  Questions in the tool must be used as written.  The tool should be administered to each “client” receiving services under the CSAT grant at: Intake 6 months after intake 12 months after intake

6 5 6 & 12 Months Follow-up Follow-up Window  30 days before the due date  60 days after the due date Target Follow-up Rate 80%

7 6  The web address:  The CSAT GPRA Web site is composed of two separate sections: the (a) public-facing section and (b) password-protected section.  Public-facing of the site disseminates general GPRA information to stakeholders. It provides downloadable data collection tools used to collect and submit CSAT GPRA data.  Public-facing section of the site disseminates general GPRA information to stakeholders. It provides downloadable data collection tools used to collect and submit CSAT GPRA data.  Password-protected of the site provide data entry and access to data reports.  Password-protected sections of the site provide data entry and access to data reports.  Section 508 Compliance—Section 508 requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public.  System Timeout—Set to 1 hour. Overview of the CSAT GPRA Data Entry Website

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9 8 Entering Data  Select the Data Entry Button.  Click the “Log in to access the system” link.  Enter User Name and Password.  Select the Submit button to access the “Data Entry Main Menu.” Note: Users can change or request password by selecting the “Forgot My User Name or Password” link on the Login Screen.

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13 12 Available Reports  Follow-up Rates  Frequencies  Crosstabulations  Follow-up Notification

14 13 Follow-up Rate Report

15 14 Frequency Report

16 15 Crosstabulation Report

17 16 Follow-up Notification Report

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