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1.  This is an activity devised by School of Social Work at the California State University Chico (CSU).  In this program, the social work undergraduate.

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2  This is an activity devised by School of Social Work at the California State University Chico (CSU).  In this program, the social work undergraduate students are required to have an in- house training in one social agency.  A number of issues will be delivered to the students  [Please refer to the file BASW Examples of Learning Activities]  Issues or topics include:  Legal and court issues  Emergency response  Sexual abuse  Domestic violence  Substance abuse  Macro practice  Research  Tasks  Review cases  Interview with relevant personnel  Discussion  Writing report 2

3  Various situation or disabilities, e.g., different school settings, different types of learners  School setting: special schools catering for different disabilities, inclusive setting  Diverse learners  Ask student-teachers to design a learning contract for themselves:  To determine school setting and type of disabilities the pre- service teacher wants to study  To confirm his or her learning outcome(s)  To choose one of the situation listed in the file BASW Examples of Learning Activities  Resources needed  To be determined 3

4  School setting: a mainstream school with inclusive practices  Learners: ADHD  Learning outcome: Able to identify the learning needs of students with ADHD  Tasks  In a situation of “Emergency response”  To determine if an experienced teacher accompany in the interview with school staff  To discuss measures and perspectives of the participants about some emergency cases in the school or classroom  To observe participants’ responses  To share your ideas about your observation 4

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