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Miss Setoudeh and Miss Hammond. Autumn 1 – Stone age  Children will explore how stone age people lived and focus on famous stone age landmarks. In literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Setoudeh and Miss Hammond. Autumn 1 – Stone age  Children will explore how stone age people lived and focus on famous stone age landmarks. In literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Setoudeh and Miss Hammond

2 Autumn 1 – Stone age  Children will explore how stone age people lived and focus on famous stone age landmarks. In literacy we are focusing on The Croods and writing our own stone age story. Autumn 2 – Where’s Wally  This is a UK based geography topic. We will be looking at famous landmarks around the UK, as well as our local area.

3 Spring 1 and 2 – World War II  In this topic children will explore what it is like to be an evacuee, rationing, making our own bunkers and the general experience of what it was like to live in World War II.  If you have any artefacts that are relevant to this topic then please feel free to bring them in.

4 Summer 1 – Angry Earth  This topic focus’ on natural disasters including volcanoes and Earthquakes. We will look at different parts of the volcano as well as where they located. Summer 2 – The Human Body  This is a science based topic. We focus on the digestive system, bones and muscles in the body and how we compare to animals.

5  In year 3 we promote independence and encourage children to take responsibility for their themselves.  Snacks are no longer provided for children when they reach KS2 and children must bring in their own snacks. This should be a fruit, vegetable or cereal bar.  The expectation for work has also increased and will continue to do so throughout the year. This includes amount of work produced as well as presentation and understanding.

6  Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday.  It will usually be spellings, tables and a piece to reinforce learning of the week.  Children are still expected to read 5 times a week as well.  If children are unable to complete their homework then a club available for them to complete it in their lunchtime.

7  Please ensure your child brings a labelled water bottle into school every day.  Children will have opportunities to have a drink after break time, lunch time and PE. Any other times will be at the teachers discretion, depending on learning.

8  Children must have PE kits in school at all times.  Our PE days for this term are Monday and Tuesday.  Children need to have outdoor and indoor kit, including tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a jumper. Please note, football kits are not part of the schools advised PE kit.  If your child has earrings in, they must be able to remove them without help. If this is not possible, then children are advised not to wear earrings on those days.  Please make sure all kit is clearly labelled and kept in school at all times as our PE may change.

9  In year 3 children are responsible for their own uniform, including jumpers.  Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled and from the advised list sent out on the newsletter.  Please make sure earrings are only studs and all long hair is tied back.  Any missing jumpers will be found at lost property.

10  Adults hand out all letters at the end of the day. However, we are encouraging children to take responsibility for themselves therefore the children are in charge of taking the letters home.  If your child has a birthday party, please make sure your child hands the invites out during playtimes or after school.

11  In KS2 we follow the AR reading scheme.  At the beginning of each term, children will be given a star reading test. This will determine the level of books they read.  After reading their book, they will take a quiz based on comprehension. When they have gained 3 100%’s they will be able to move up to the next level.  Children read their AR books for 20 minutes everyday in school. This is also where they have the opportunity to quiz and change their books.  Children are still encouraged to read at home, at least 5 times a week, however this does not have to be their AR book. Please make sure you write in reading diaries when you listen to your child read.  Please note, it is not possible for all children to quiz and change books daily. Children will have an opportunity to change their books at least once a week, although we try and do it more regularly.

12  When you listen to your child read please write a note in their reading record (home school diary).  This diary is also used to stick in spellings and times tables that need practising.  There is also space for you to write messages to teachers if needed. We check diaries as regularly as possible.  If you would like to talk to class teachers further then please ask to see them after school, waiting until all children have been let out.  Appointments can also be booked with class teachers if necessary.  Please note it is not appropriate to talk to class teachers in the mornings as school begins (obviously to pass on notes eg going home with, he’s not feeling well today, have you seen… etc).

13  We are now following a new behaviour policy in school, which was explained in the newsletter.  Year 3 have created their own code of conduct which is displayed in each classroom.  If your child receives a time out, they will be sent home with a completed form. This explains the reason they have received the time out.  Please ensure you fill out and return the confirmation slip. If you have any concerns then please write these on the bottom of the form.


15  To accompany our behaviour policy we also have a star of the week assembly.  Each week one child from each class is chosen by the class teacher as standing out for being a star.  This could be for behaviour, effort, attitude, work, understanding etc.  Your child will receive a certificate for this signed by the class teacher and the leadership team.

16  To help show further the school environment, all parents / guardians are invited to have a class lunch.  This will take place in the upper school hall on ___________ at (Time).  This is an opportunity for you enjoy having lunch with your child in the school setting.  Class teachers will also attend this lunch.

17  We are now available for any general questions you may have about year 3.  If you have any specific issues then please book an appointment with the class teacher at a later date.  Thank you for your time.

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