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Published byBartholomew McLaughlin Modified over 9 years ago
27 th June, 2015 (Saturday) Union Public Service Commission ( UPSC – 2015) Process Manual
Index (will be updated in final version) 2 Sr. No.Activity 1. Basic Information. 2. Examination Schedule. 3. Examination Process Schedule (Annexure-I). 4. Necessary Documents for Candidates. 5. General Guidelines. 6. Role and Responsibilities of CH & ITM - Prior to Exam Day. 7. Role and Responsibilities of CH & ITM - on Exam Day. 8. Role and Responsibilities of CH & ITM – After Exam. 9. Procedure For Candidates To Enter Examination Labs. 10. Guidelines for Invigilators. 11. Activity Schedule for Invigilators. 12. Announcements by Invigilators. 13. Actions to be Taken (Annexure-II). 14. Media Crisis Management. 15. Incident Handling and Important Contacts. 16. Questions / Doubts / Clarification.
Basic Information 3 Exam Date: 27 th June, 2015 (Saturday) Exam Time: Forenoon Session: 10:00 AM -12:00 Noon Candidate Reporting Time: 08.30 AM Test Centre Gate closure Time: 09.15 AM
Examination Process Schedule (Annexure-I) 4 ForenoonActivity 7.00 AMCentre Head, IT Managers, Test Centre Technical Staff report at the test Centre 7.30 AMTest Center Administrator & IT Manager ( From Center) 7.30 AMInvigilators report at the test Centre 7:30 AMUPSC Observers report at the test Centre 7.45 AMObservers Inspect and ensure readiness of the infrastructure including servers, client systems, network, UPS and generator 8.30 AM TCS IT Manager Downloads the QP Bundles from the data Centre but needs the password carried by Observer. If there is a network problem and bundle cannot be downloaded, IT Manager has to wait till Observer hands over the USB drive /CD containing the QP Bundle. 8.30AMCandidates are allowed to enter the Centre after Document verification 8.30AM Candidate will enter examination lab and invigilator will verify his document and do his/her registration. Post registration candidate will move towards his/her seat. 9.00 AM TCS IT Manager configures the drive – this is done by the TCS IT Manager but needs the Drive Password being carried by the Observer 9.15 AMGates close and no candidate is allowed to enter the test Centre after this 9.30 AMDistribution of rough sheets and attendance sheet to invigilators by TCS Center Owner 9.30AMRegistration close time 9.30 AMInvigilators to read out Announcements 9.50 AMCandidates can login to read instructions 10.00 AMCommencement of test 12.00 PM End of test – happens automatically and Candidates will be allowed to move out of the center. 12.00 PMUpload of the responses of candidates and audit trails to the Master Server. Also we need to provide responses,biometrics,images, results in a CD/DVD to Observer.
5 Necessary Documents for Candidates Necessary Documents: The following documents to be available with the candidate: 1.Print-out of the e-admit card. 2.Original photo proof of identity (Aadhaar UID, Voter's ID card, Driving Licence or Passport etc.). Photocopies of these documents, or expired documents should not be accepted. At the Test Center gate, the Volunteer will ensure that only candidates who have above mentioned documents are allowed to enter the premises.
6 General Guidelines…page1 The tests are going to be held in two sessions, 1) 10AM – 12Noon "The visually Impaired category candidate appearing in the CBRT of 2 hour duration shall be allowed compensatory time @ 20 minutes/hrs i.e. 40 minutes apart from allowing them the help of scribe. The total duration of each test for visually impaired candidates is 160 minutes. " "Suitable sitting arrangement for PH candidates be made preferably on ground floor" All staffs participating in conduct of the test should be wearing the badges of their respective roles. Partitions should be put in between each computer in labs.
7 General Guidelines…page2 Ensure enough fuel (that can last for at least 2 1/2 hours of continuous operation in a session) for the standby generator. If the generator is run continuously for 1 hour, please arrange for more fuel as stand by. There is at least one spare network switch needed to operate the network on which the client computers connect to the server. Technical personnel of the college MUST be available on the day before the exam and the day of the exam to deal with any exigencies that may arise. For every 24 candidates, a webcam and biometric should be installed. Download drive for both shifts on a single Primary Server. Ensure to configure the Backup Server within 30 minutes of reaching the Test Centre.
8 General Guidelines…page3 20% buffer nodes should be available in a Test Centre. 2 invigilator for every 24 registered candidates and part thereof at a Centre. 3 Mocks Tests will be run on every centre with one full load mock in presence of UPSC Observers. Perform this mock just as a "Live" exam in the presence of the Observers. They will be carrying a checklist against which they will be checking the steps completed. When the IT Manager raises an incident for an exception or deviation in process, the Observer remark should be mandatorily obtained in the ‘Remarks’ box.
9 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - Prior to Exam Day On the day before examination and in the presence of UPSC Observer and college staff, conduct the Mock Test of the Computer Based Examination for all the candidates mapped at that Centre. Make sure that all the data related to the mock test are removed from the servers and client systems as soon as the mock test is over. Ensure that candidates are allocated to the systems in a lab in serial order of their roll number and that the candidate can easily locate his/her client system when they enter the examination. To ensure ease in locating the client system the following procedure is recommended: i. Put up numbers (say C1, C2...etc) on Partitions for each of the client systems so that the system can be easily located by candidates entering the hall. ii. Put up a list of candidate roll numbers and client systems assigned to each candidate in large font at the entrance of the lab. On the day of the examination, please report to the Centre at least 3 hours before the start of examination.
10 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - Exam Day…page1 Perform the following operations at least 150 minutes before the start of the examination in a session: (i) Ensure that the main server and backup server are up and running. (ii) Ensure that all the client systems, including the reserve systems, are up and running. (iii) Ensure that all the data related to the mock test was cleared from the servers and the client systems. (iv) Run the client executable on all the client systems and keep the login screen for candidate ready. (v) Ensure that the roll number displayed on each client system is the same as that of the candidate allocated to the system.
11 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - Exam Day…page2 Next perform the following operations as per the given time schedule: (i)Download the question paper material for the test papers in the session. If this is successful, you would require the Bundle Password a little later when you deploy the QP bundle. Should this fail, collect the USB drive/CD containing files of question paper material for the test papers in the session from Observers and download the question papers from the USB. (ii) Bundle Password will be communicated through iON Communication (iii) Import the question packs for all the test papers of a session into the test software. (iv) Ensure that the import of question packs for all the test papers is successful.
12 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - Exam Day…page3 Be present in the Server Room or Examination Halls throughout the duration of examination in a session. No other Personnel are allowed into this room apart from the Observers, CH and IT Managers during the exam. Monitor periodic saving of data from client systems on the servers. Attend to the technical problems of the client systems during the test. If a client system allotted to a candidate has any malfunction that cannot be rectified, allot another client system from the reserve pool to the candidate. If for some reason the need arises for giving additional time to a candidate, do so ONLY in consultation with Observer. Report to and consult the Test Center Administrator, IT Manager and the Observers in case any unusual situation arises during the test, and take necessary action.
13 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - After Exam…page1 Perform the following operations at the end of examination in each session: (i) Ensure that the examination is terminated on ALL client systems. THIS IS CRITICAL! (ii) End the test drive on all the client systems ensuring that there is no candidate still taking exam. (iii) Upload the biometrics, responses and audit trails of all the candidates to the Master Control Facility, in the presence of Observers. (iv) Copy the biometrics, responses and audit trails of all the candidates in a CD and handover it to the UPSC Observer. Please use separate CD for both shifts. (v) Ensure that the cache and history on both the servers and on all the client systems are cleared (vi) Delete all the data related to the test papers in the session from both the servers
14 Role and Responsibilities of TCS CH & ITM - After Exam…page2 Perform the following operations at the end of the day of examination: (i) Delete all the test related software from all the client systems including the reserve systems. (ii) Delete all the data related to the UPSC 2015 Computer Based Examination from the main server and the backup server.
15 Procedure For Candidates To Enter Examination Labs a)Candidate enters the Centre. a)Candidate goes through the seating plan displayed at the entrance and identifies the specific Examination hall allocated to him/her. a)After confirming the Examination hall, the candidate is directed to proceed to the Registration desk a)The candidate should carry only the printout of admit card downloaded and original photo identity proof. a)At the registration desk, invigilator in labs will capture the image and thumb impression of the candidate. a)The invigilator at the registration desk will verify the admit card and identity proof, and post registration, send candidate to their respective allocated seat. a)The candidate sits at the computer allotted to him/her and waits for further instructions from invigilators.
Registration Process …page1 16
Registration Process …page2 17
18 Guidelines for Invigilators The invigilator plays a most important role in UPSC 2015 online examination. The responsibilities of invigilators are as follows: a) Attend the meeting with the Test Center Administrator and Observers on the day before the examination. b) Be present during the dry run (mock test) on the day before the examination, and understand the test process. c) Report to the Centre at least 120 minutes before the scheduled start of examination d) Do not carry any reading or writing material, mobile phone or any other electronic gadgets into the examination hall. e) At 60 minutes before the start of a session, each invigilator should collect the following from the TCS Center Owner: (a) Roll List of candidates in the lab assigned for the session (b) Copy of the Announcement to be made to the candidates in the examination hall,(c) Attendance sheets and Rough sheets. Please feel free to contact the Observers/TCS Center Owner in case you do not understand any of the points mentioned in the guidelines or in the announcement to the candidates. f) Help the TCS personnel to ensure that the partitions between the client systems are placed properly. g) Help the TCS personnel in launching the test software on the client systems as per the Registration Number and System Number mapping. h) Be present in the hall to do the invigilation until completion of test and maintain a secure, professional, quiet, and controlled environment at all times.
19 Activity Schedule for Invigilators j) Strictly follow the time schedule given below: Activity Forenoon Session Time Closure of Candidate entry into the Examination Hall09:30 AM Invigilators read out the ‘Announcements’09:30 AM Candidates are allowed to login and read the instructions 09:50 AM Commencement of Examination10:00 AM Invigilators start taking attendance by collecting the signatures of candidates on roll list 10:15 AM Examination ends for all the candidates12:00 Noon
20 Guidelines for Invigilators k) Ensure that candidate write their roll number and name on the rough sheet given to them. Collect them back at the end of the exam to handover to Centre Head. l) Ensure that the candidates do not meddle with the system until the announcement about the examination process is made. m) Ensure that the candidates are not communicating in any way with each other during the examination period. n) In case of any candidate found using unfair means, immediately bring it to the notice of Observers o) Ensure that the candidates are seated by 9.30 A.M, when the announcements are made. The candidates can login after the announcement at 9.50 A.M. p) Ensure that each candidate has the print-out of the e-admit card supported by a valid, original photo proof of identity such as Aadhaar UID, Voter's ID card, Driving Licence, Passport, PAN card, etc. Photocopies of these documents, or expired documents should not be accepted. q) In case the candidate does not possess a print-out of his/her e-admit card and/or valid ID proof, the matter must be referred to the observers/Test Center Administrator. r) Ensure that candidates do not possess any document/material other than the print-out of e- Admit Card, identity proof
21 Guidelines for Invigilators (s) Begin to check the identity of candidates and record attendance on roll-list at 10.30 A.M.. The following tasks are to be completed: (i)Check the candidate’s identity against the photograph on the admit card and the roll list. (i)Take the signature of each candidate on the roll list. (iii) Ensure that the signature of the candidate on the admit card and on the roll list are the same. Bring out any discrepancy either in Photograph or signature to the notice of Observer. (iv)Write “ABSENT” using a RED ink ball point pen against the names of candidates who are absent. t)If any candidate complains that his/her computer is not working properly, BEFORE or after login, contact Observer and TCS staff immediately.
22 Guidelines for Invigilators t)Candidates should not be allowed to leave before the scheduled end of the examination, i.e., 12.00 Noon. u)After the scheduled completion of test, the invigilator should go to each client system and ensure that the closing exam screen is displayed on the monitor of each client system. In case of any unusual situations during the examination, report to the Observers for the necessary action
23 Announcements by Invigilators…page1 In addition to the iON instructions, read the following instructions to the candidates, 30 minutes before the start of exam. i) Mobiles phones (even in switched off or flight mode),laptops/palm-top computers, tablet PCs, any Bluetooth device,calculators, e-book reader, any e-storage device or any other electronic gadget/blank papers/clipboards/log tables/slide rules are NOT ALLOWED inside the examination hall. ii) For rough work, use only the rough sheet provided. Write your roll number and name on the rough sheet provided before you start using it. i) The system allotted to you displays your personal details (photo and name) on your login screen. Go through them carefully and contact the invigilators in case of any discrepancy. iv) You can login only 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the exam. v) Go through the Instructions on the screen carefully. vi) No clarifications or doubts about the Question Paper will be entertained.
24 Announcements by Invigilators…page2 vii) If you have logged in the test starts automatically at the scheduled time and the button “I am ready to begin” will be activated. viii) The link for Useful data, if any, will be available on the screen. ix) You have to use the mouse to answer the multiple choice type questions. x)In case you detect any hardware or software problems with the computer system provided, please raise your hand and talk to the Invigilators. The problem shall be rectified immediately. In case the problem is not rectified within reasonable time, the system will be changed for you. Time does not tick forward while this replacement is going on so no time will be lost for the candidate. xi) At the time of signing the Attendance Sheet, please verify your details. If any correction is needed, bring the same to the notice of the invigilator. xii) No candidate is allowed to leave the Examination hall till the end of the examination. Submit the rough sheet to the invigilator before you leave the hall. xiii) Non-compliance with any of the “instructions to the candidate” and/or adoption of unfair means may lead to cancellation of your candidature for this Examination.
Actions to be Taken (Annexure-II) 25 Actions to take in Unusual / Discrepancy / Unfair Means / Doubtful Identity Cases Scenarios. CaseIssueAction to be taken 1 Candidate does not bring or lost the admit card, but the name of the candidate is in the MASTER ATTENDANCE LIST The candidate should fill up the undertaking form and paste his/her photo and finally put the signature. A list of such candidates to be prepared by Center Owner from TCS and handed over to UPSC Observer. The Center Owner(TCS)/Observer(UPSC) should report the cases to UPSC Command Center/Control Room immediately. 2 In case the candidate scanned photo is not clear on admit card The candidate should produce a recent passport photo that can be posted on the admit card. The Center Owner(TCS)/Observer(UPSC) should report the cases to UPSC Command Center/Control Room immediately. 3 In case there is disparity between the photo of candidate and his/her actual appearance The candidate may be allowed to write the test at his/her own risk. A statement to the effect that the photo and physical appearance of the candidate do not tally should be forwarded by the Center Owner (TCS) along with explanation obtained from the candidate. The candidate should be asked to submit one copy of his/her recent passport size photograph duly signed by him/her to Center Owner. The Center Owner(TCS)/Observer(UPSC) should report the cases to UPSC Command Center/Control Room immediately. 4In case of impersonation and unauthorized appearance of a candidate at the center The Center Owner(TCS)/Observer(UPSC) should report the cases to UPSC Command Center/Control Room immediately.
Actions to be Taken (Annexure-III) 26 Technical failures leading to a disruption in the examination CaseDescription of failureAction to be taken 1 Disruption happens during the exam time AFTER the candidates have logged in (either for one or more candidates) No action necessary. The timer will stop when the failure occurs and will resume when the failure is rectified. 2 Primary Server fails before the candidates have logged in Secondary Sever will be converted into Primary and additional machine will be provided as Secondary. 3 Primary Server fails after the candidates have logged in If the Primary Server is configured back, all the candidates can resume the examination and no action needed. In case, the Secondary Sever needs to be converted into Primary, additional machine will be provided as Secondary.
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