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Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Welcome to.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Welcome to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Welcome to

2 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries 10 Commandments Final Jeopardy 300 500 400 100 Breaking the _____ 200 300 400 500 100 200 100 400 300 500 Name that Command -ment 200 300 400 500 100 Potpourri 200 300 400 500 100 Terms 200 Word perfect

3 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 100 Answer– You shall have no other gods.

4 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 100 Question– What is the 1 st commandment

5 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 200 Answer– You shall not commit adultery

6 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 200 Question– what is the 6 th commandment

7 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 300 Answer– 3 authorities the 4 th commandment would require me to honor

8 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 300 Question– ex: mom dad, teachers, principal, police, government, elders

9 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 400 Answer– Abortion would break this commandment.

10 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 400 Question– what is the 5 th commandment.

11 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 500 Answer– The difference between cursing and swearing.

12 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area One 500 Question—What is cursing is “damning”, and swearing is taking an oath.

13 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 100 Answer– The 2 nd commandment

14 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 100 Question– what is,You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

15 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 200 Answer– The 3 rd commandment

16 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 200 Question– What is remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy

17 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 300 Answer– The 7 th commandment

18 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 300 Question– what is, you shall not steal.

19 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 400 Answer– The 9 th commandment

20 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 400 Question– what is, you shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

21 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 500 Answer--the 10 th commandment.

22 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Two 500 Question— what is, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

23 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 100 Answer-- using satanic arts

24 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 100 Question—what is breaking the 2 nd commandment?

25 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 200 Answer-- Abortion

26 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 200 Question– what is the 5 th commandment

27 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 300 Answer-- pornography

28 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 300 Question– what is the 6 th commandment

29 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 400 Answer– copying CD’s, or other copyrighted material.

30 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 400 Question—what is the 7 th commandment?

31 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 500 Answer– Keeping silent when we know the truth about our neighbor.

32 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Three 500 What is the 8 th commandment.

33 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 100 Answer-- sin

34 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 100 Question—what is any thought, word or action against God’s will.

35 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 200 Answer– Original Sin

36 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 200 Question—what is sin that we are born with?

37 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 300 Answer– sin of omission

38 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 300 Question—what is a not doing the right action to keep the commandment.

39 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 400 Answer– sin of commission

40 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 400 Question—what is an actual sin by doing the wrong or breaking the requirement of the commandment?

41 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 500 Answer-- justification

42 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Four 500 Question– what is being seen right in God’s eyes [Just as if I hadn’t done it]

43 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 100 Answer– Age of St Peter Lutheran church

44 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 100 Question– what is 135 years

45 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 200 Answer--.the 2 sacraments

46 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 200 Question– what is baptism and communion

47 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 300 Answer– person who kept the 10 commandments perfectly.

48 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 300 Question—who is Jesus?

49 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 400 Answer– the first three commandments deal with this.

50 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 400 Question– what is our relationship with God

51 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 500 Answer--.4 things needed to make something a sacrament.

52 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Topic Area Five 500 Question– what is forgiveness, clear word of God, commanded by God, Visible substance.

53 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Final Jeopardy Answer--

54 Mark Werner, St Peter Lutheran Youth Ministries Final Jeopardy Question--

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