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PACIFIC ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 O le ala i le pule o le tautua Leadership through service Metua Bates-Faasisila 4 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "PACIFIC ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 O le ala i le pule o le tautua Leadership through service Metua Bates-Faasisila 4 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 PACIFIC ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 O le ala i le pule o le tautua Leadership through service Metua Bates-Faasisila 4 March 2010

2 PACIFIC DEMOGRAPHICS Pacific peoples 6.9% (265,974) of NZ population 67% reside in Auckland Samoans (49%), Cook Islands (22 %), Tongans (19%), Niueans (8%), Fijian (4%), Tokelauan (3%), Tuvalu (1%), Other Pacific (1%) Almost half the total Pacific population is aged 0-19 years

3 The median age of Pacific people is only 21 2 in 5 PI people are under the age of 15 Only 3% are over 65 The average PI income is only $14,800 6 out of 10 PIs were born in New Zealand

4  The few who drink do so in a way that harms themselves and/or others Why a priority?

5  A leadership role to facilitate organisational implementation of the Pacific Action Plan Role Purpose

6 To improve and enhance Pacific peoples wellbeing by reducing alcohol-related harm AIM

7 AREAS FOR ACTION 1 Education & Action 2 Young Pacific peoples 3 Cultural Relevance 4 Research & Evaluation 5 Collaborative Relationships 6 Pacific Community Action

8 What are we trying to achieve 1 Education & Action Harm awareness What they can do about it 2 Young Pacific peoples Non- drinkers seen as ‘cool’ Youth Harm reduction 3 Cultural Relevance ALAC reflects Pacific perspectives and realities 4 Research & Evaluation Effective evidence- based policies and interventions Support Community Evaluation 5 Collaborative Relationships Effective collaboration with central & local govt & NGOs to achieve our mutual aims 6 Pacific Community Action Support Pacific solutions Support local, national and international Pacific action on alcohol issues

9 Cook Islands Leaders Summit (Youth) Family Violence Prevention Research Evaluation ? WORKPLAN – key projects

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