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CSE 428 Semantic Web Topics OWL Jeff Heflin Lehigh University.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 428 Semantic Web Topics OWL Jeff Heflin Lehigh University."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 428 Semantic Web Topics OWL Jeff Heflin Lehigh University

2 Ontology Header ]> My Ontology An example ontology... 2 of 30

3 Equality/Inequality Two URIs refer to distinct individuals Two URIs refer to the same individual.

4 … Sets of Distinct Individuals The URIs #Bob, #Sue and #Mary all refer to distinct individuals.

5 All Values From A Band is a subclass of the set of entities which only have members that are Musicians

6 Some Values From Every Band has at least one member who is a Singer

7 Has Value A Guitarist is a subclass of the set of entities which play at least one instrument that is a Guitar.

8 1 Minimum Cardinality Parent is exactly the set of entities which have at least one child.

9 Intersection and Union A Father is exactly a Parent who is also Male. Every Person is either Male or Female.

10 Complement Man is every Person who is not a Woman.

11 Enumerated Classes PrimaryColor has exactly three instances: Red, Blue and Yellow.

12 Ontology Versioning

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